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Do the smart folks think splitting SEMI's is DUMB? (Video)


Do you ride recklessly in traffic?  

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  1. 1. Do you ride recklessly in traffic?

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NIck i thought you were cool,but now i guess i see who u really are.... Yes we have and will ride crazy. If you think for 1 second that passing a semi on the highway in a strait line is crazy,,stupid,idiotic or just plain dumb then you might want to stay away from twistie roads. Do you realize that when we hit the twistie roads we are pushing fate every time? 100's of blind turns that hold gravel,dogs,chicken,deer,rabits etc...All of witch you cannot see. I have done filtering many many many times and like the fact that i can see whats ahead and plan ahead. I know many many of you think its super crazy and super dumb,but it happens! Nick its too bad you have to go around and talk smack about other riders. The assfault Junkies may not ride like you or even act like you,but we all are good people and dont play grade school games.

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Riding like that on the street is stupid, fucked up and gives all sportbike riders a bad name. Period.

If you condone it, you are an asshat.

All you have to do is freak out one cager on the highway and you are road pizza.

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Riding like that on the street is stupid, fucked up and gives all sportbike riders a bad name. Period.

If you condone it, you are an asshat.

All you have to do is freak out one cager on the highway and you are road pizza.

Nobody is condoning anything, just sharing footage... and when did sportbike riders ever have a good name?? :rolleyes:

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Uhhhh that was impressive :eek:...from the looks of it, I'd think it was $1 lap dances and free admission with a motorcycle key at the infamous Mons Venus or something! Damn that for some Hooters!! :nono:

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I dont ride like that everywhere or even often. Yes it is "dumb",but if you ride many many miles a year and have a need for speed these things happen. I have seen my share of wrecks and other bad things and all of them were on twistie roads and the track. We go to the track once every 3 weeks and normally get our stress out there. Mankind has always seeked thrills and have been doing that since the birth of man. Only in America these days everyone has become afraid to take risks and live hard. I compleatly uderstand its crazy and it deff scares drivers,but only stupid drivers get scared because they never check their mirrors and we suprise them. I am sorry,but we are not the first nor the last to do this and it is something that will happen for the rest of time.

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The uh, President is a member here, Fonz. They are based out of Cinci.

Who is it? Did I see Angrish or someone talk about posting vid over there recently?

What concerned me almost more than lane splitting the semi was their jitterbugging in & out of heavy traffic. Hard enough to keep track of the cages.....but then they were back & forth with each other

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I compleatly uderstand its crazy and it deff scares drivers,but only stupid drivers get scared because they never check their mirrors and we suprise them. I am sorry,but we are not the first nor the last to do this and it is something that will happen for the rest of time.

OK....Mello & Gixxie....You guys mind me askin' how old you are?

I'm gonna leave the rest of what you said alone, cause Lord knows I've done my share of stupid stuff on the bikes & we all get carried away once in awhile with the horsepower at our fingertips. However....I find your arrogance about it alarming.....You do realize these "stupid drivers" you mention are the same ones who are not gonna see you one of these times, or even if they do, more likely misjudge how fast you're going....cut you off/pull out in front of you, possibly with nowhere to escape & potentially killing you and/or your buddies. I realize you may be comfortable risking your own life.....But have you really thought about....I mean really visualized in your head.....attending one of your buddies' funerals.

I had that opportunity last year. Look in my sig line......I went to Jeff's funeral last year 'cause some "Stupid driver".....A DUMBASS pizza delivery guy was in a hurry to make his dropoff, & made a lefty right in front of him with nowhere to bail. Either he didn't see Jeff's BRIGHT FUCKIN' green Ninja, or thought he had time to make the turn. Yes it was relatively low speed.....35-40'ish, and yes Jeff was wearing his full face helmet......but he laid her down & slid under the guy's truck & the running boards hit right where the faceshield is cut out. And NO......Jeff didn't die immediately like you'd hope for.......He bled out slowly....MASSIVE blood loss, says the woman I spoke to, who mercifully held him for several minutes while he passed, so he wouldn't die alone.

And when I say he had a funeral....Actually it was a "Memorial Service". You see.....According to Jeff's mom, he was so swollen & disfigured from the accident, she didn't want anyone seeing him like that, tainting their memory....So she had him cremated before anyone could view him.

Not to mention you guys could do the same thing to each other the way you were jitterbugging back & forth. I know 2 guys who were both VERY accomplished riders & ran into each other, killing both. And that was a simple low speed u-turn by one, not seeing the other one coming behind him until it was too late.....Not highway speeds like you guys were doing

Am I being graphic in my depiction here......You bet your ass! Do I think about Jeff every time I gear up & put my key in the ignition, & worry about if I'm going to see my family again... even if I ride perfectly.....You bet your ass! Has his memory & lesson kept me from doing some stupid stuff since then......YOU BET YOUR ASS!! Feel free to call me pussy/chicken/coward/no-nuts....whatever you can come up with.....I don't care

I hope this rattles around in the back of your head a little, and makes you re-think your defensive statement above

Saw a great quote in Motorcyclist a few years ago......."If you ride a motorcycle, you're eventually going to be killed on it. Your objective is to put that off long enough that you die of old age first"

They say a picture's worth a 1,000 words....Here's a picture from Jeff's accident scene a couple months ago on the 1 year anniversary...... in case my words didn't drive the point home enough......


Little sobering....ehhhh?!? The baby/little boy in the pictures is Jeff's 6 year old son. He lost his mom 2 years earlier....almost to the day.....So now thanks to a "stupid driver" .....Dade has no parents

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Listen, I understand everyone's opinions and concerns...

I am probably the most open-minded person you will ever meet.

In my 40K+ miles of experience over the past 3 years of riding street I have learned alot. In my 30 years of living, I've experienced alot of haters, growing up skateboarding in the late 80s, labeled as a punk skater with baggy clothes and "airwalks?!?", thru the mid 90s when I became a hero for being a skateboarder..."where'd you get your shoes!"

I was ridiculed by alot of riders when I started riding, cause I was on a GS500Fk5.

All the asshat/squid comments mean nothing to me... everyone always thinks they are better that everyone, and their shit doesn't stink.

I've read and seen it all on car forums when I used to autoX.

Sorry about your buddy, I had a friend get killed the same way.

I get pulled out in front of on a daily basis, no lie. Every fuckin' day!

Everybody is going to do what they do how they do it... if it's on 2 or 4 wheels... watch out. I wasn't in the video with the lane splitting, but I will admit I've done it. I've had way more near misses riding with the flow of traffic, than filtering it. Either way, you're still invisible to cagers. Ride that way... invisible, cause nothing you do will change that, not even a kawi green bike will save you. Hell, I see alot of people break their necks checkin out my bike than I could have ever imagined, on my all black bike with all black gear.

Just remember, commit, 100%.


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I think I'm going to trade the gixxer for a scooter and lane split on my way to hooters. I say give the scooter'ers a bad rap for a while.

Seriously, I have met a few of the junkies and they are good people. I wont judge cause of the way a person rides, but I can have an opinion about it, and mine is... I bet there were a lot of pissed people on 275 that day.

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I think I'm going to trade the gixxer for a scooter and lane split on my way to hooters. I say give the scooter'ers a bad rap for a while.


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and when did sportbike riders ever have a good name?? :rolleyes:

right... sportbikes already got a bad name, so why try and do anything to change that right? that wouldnt make much sense... everyone should just go out and ride like jackasses because hey, people hate us anyway :rolleyes:

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Listen, I understand everyone's opinions and concerns...

I am probably the most open-minded person you will ever meet.

In my 40K+ miles of experience over the past 3 years of riding street I have learned alot. In my 30 years of living, I've experienced alot of haters, growing up skateboarding in the late 80s, labeled as a punk skater with baggy clothes and "airwalks?!?", thru the mid 90s when I became a hero for being a skateboarder..."where'd you get your shoes!"

I was ridiculed by alot of riders when I started riding, cause I was on a GS500Fk5.

All the asshat/squid comments mean nothing to me... everyone always thinks they are better that everyone, and their shit doesn't stink.

I've read and seen it all on car forums when I used to autoX.

Sorry about your buddy, I had a friend get killed the same way.

I get pulled out in front of on a daily basis, no lie. Every fuckin' day!

Everybody is going to do what they do how they do it... if it's on 2 or 4 wheels... watch out. I wasn't in the video with the lane splitting, but I will admit I've done it. I've had way more near misses riding with the flow of traffic, than filtering it. Either way, you're still invisible to cagers. Ride that way... invisible, cause nothing you do will change that, not even a kawi green bike will save you. Hell, I see alot of people break their necks checkin out my bike than I could have ever imagined, on my all black bike with all black gear.

Just remember, commit, 100%.


If you're in anyway justifying or supporting the way they are riding in that video you really haven't learned much at all in your "40K+ miles of experience over the past 3 years of riding street".

I'm really not going to bother picking apart the rest of that ridiculousness.

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NIck i thought you were cool,but now i guess i see who u really are.

Oh geesh Brandon.:rolleyes: I'm still the same dude that was talking to you at the gas station while you ate your mystery meat sandwich. All I EVER wanted to do was tell Hellarider that he's a dangerous street rider. I concluded that from watching his other videos too. Then I get flamed to high heaven. So, I wanted to make sure that I'm not the crazy one and see if others would agree and sure enough most on here do. By how everyone talks about Hellarider you'd think he has some 10" golden cock that everyone loves to suck or something.:lol: J/K about the last part, so don't trip again please. ;)

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i am 28 years old. I know what cagers can do. I have had allot of close calls also going with the flow of trafic. I have put over 100000 miles on diff bikes and have seen more wrecks and carnage than I really want to. Filtering at 100mph ist that crazy. After work i will post a filtering video that is nuts.

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Yep this guy KNOWS all. Look out world gixxie is coming through!

Why would you piss off so many people (in the cars)on purpose?

Why would you ever video tape breaking that many laws?

Camera= the devil.

Be thankful you live in cinci. or Ky. not in columbus.That shit would never fly here.The cops here are bad enough that they would have chased you until you wrecked waited for you to die on the side of the road and then taken your dead ass to jail.

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not much I can say that hasn't already been said, but why would you defend that "style" of riding. I've done it before, but now I am more worried that one of the pissed off cagers will run into me or run over me - gotta think about the consequences! :squid:

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If you're in anyway justifying or supporting the way they are riding in that video you really haven't learned much at all in your "40K+ miles of experience over the past 3 years of riding street".

I'm really not going to bother picking apart the rest of that ridiculousness.

Looks like you don't know how to read... and are just pest.:bitchfight:

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Yep this guy KNOWS all. Look out world gixxie is coming through!

Why would you piss off so many people (in the cars)on purpose?

Why would you ever video tape breaking that many laws?

Camera= the devil.

Be thankful you live in cinci. or Ky. not in columbus.That shit would never fly here.The cops here are bad enough that they would have chased you until you wrecked waited for you to die on the side of the road and then taken your dead ass to jail.

Wow are we agreeing on this one then? Because if we are that's going to take away half the potential fun of this thread. :D:lol:

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Based on the thread NinjaNick posted about the assfault junkies riding abilities (or lack of) I just wanted to put this out there to see what kind of riders we have. Maybe fuel the fire a bit...

You define careless, wreckless, and without thought.

I have.

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