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Away I Go, Iraq Here I Come

Guest GReddy69rx7

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Guest GReddy69rx7
Well everyone, its official. Got my mobilization orders and I have orders for deployment to Iraq. Just gonna let the 7 sit while i'm gone and then come back and put a good portion of my earnings (which aint much) into it. If anyone has relatives or friends over there and want me to see if I can get in touch with them, let me know. I will soon be known as Sgt. Doellinger so if you talk to them let them know I'm coming. Well, down to NC for a few days to relax and have some r&r.
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If you need anything sent to you via snail mail, leme know. I still remember how great it was getting "loaded" care packages.

Btw, part of my old unit is at BIAP (Bco 612 EN BN) and i was at FOB Speicher (Aco 216 EN BN)

Any word on what part of hell you will be residing in?

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Doellinger sounds familiar.. I graduated from thomas worthington in 97, got an older brother? "Jeff" maybe?


btw what's your mos and unit? I may see you out there soon :(. I'm a 35F with 758th Maint Co, I'll be a soldering iron-wielding geek in an air conditioned trailer. You should make good friends with me too :)


I thought you wernt going to have to go?


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Hey, best of luck out there. Keep your head on straight, and LISTEN to the troops that have been there for awhile. Hope your tour goes well and comes to a quick end.


Thank you for doing your part to help all of us out. Hurry up and get that shit hole neturalized and come home.


31U commo dogs hoooah!

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Breathing over there is like trying to breath through a hair dryer on hot. You will NOT see the darkest of dark. By that I mean it is so dark you can't see the dark in front of you. They do have the most amazing sunsets though. Good Luck to you. It seems like they are calling all the guys with RX 7's to go over there. haha. BTW, what unit are you with?
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And also, lots of blue skies, and the aroma of the state fair animal barns on a bad day all around any sort of city.

Btw, dec, jan are cold over there, so dont forget the gortex, and they should lso issue you a nice black fleece jacket and trousers. SEW YOU NAME IN THEM. those things dissapear like mad.

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