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This article really sums up the idiots in New Orleans


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It is thanks to FDR that we have all of these 'wonderful social programs'.


I'll pass. Frankly, anyone worth his salt could have rallied the American people during World War II; for one thing, the people had a different mentality back then - that changed in the 60s with Vietnam. For another, we were fighting an easily identifiable enemy with definite boundaries, by the fact that they spoke german/italian or looked japanese and had a 'home country'. WWII was not a war fought by politicians but by soldiers, and it was handled thusly, with none of the ridiculous 'political sensitivities' under which we currently conduct 'engagements.'


Remember, in following wars we were (and are) fighting both WITH and against people that look and sound the same. It makes identifying the 'bad guy' a lot more difficult.

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FDR's "rallying of the American people" began in 1932, well before the second world war. By the time the war started, he had been elected to his third term. He established more worthwhile gorvernmental programs in his first hundred days as president than any other president has been able t do since in their entire administration. The reason we were able to respond the way we did to the war was thanks to FDR. His programs were wonderful for the time in which they were implemented. The mistake was leaving the programs unchanged for 50+ years.
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FDR's "rallying of the American people" began in 1932, well before the second world war. By the time the war started, he had been elected to his third term. He established more worthwhile gorvernmental programs in his first hundred days as president than any other president has been able t do since in their entire administration. The reason we were able to respond the way we did to the war was thanks to FDR. His programs were wonderful for the time in which they were implemented. The mistake was leaving the programs unchanged for 50+ years.

I normally don't make it a habit of agreeing with Eli, but I have to agree 100% here. FDR was a great man. He saved the nation from the great depression, and a lot of his programs really helped us become a much more modern society and world dominating force.

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