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Best game ever!


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Ok tonight we met for our normal Texas Holdem game and played a $10 tourny... i lost. After that we played a $5 Blind Mans Bluff tourny... again, i lost. After that was over i just out of no where said "ok Nate, $1, high card wins." He took it and won my dollar... but that induced a whole fucking 3hr long game of $1 High Card. Soon we had sde bets going on 2nd 3rd and 4th cards, individual cards (i.e. 4 of Clubs), and even first flush.


This has to be the most simple, unskillfull, and retarded game in the world... BUT IT BLOWS EVERYTHING ELSE OUT OF THE WATER IN FUN FACTOR!


I ended up winning like $40 in 1's. If anyone has regular games, a game of $1 high card with like 5 or 6 people and everyone start with $5... unlimited buy in.

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Sorry man, but you really have no clue what real gambling is. I use to hang with some guys that played big money cards. And while the 1200 pots sat on the table, they would gamble on other shit. A couple I remember were the mice games. They would all pick a number and that was the trap they got. All the traps were baited and sat next to each other and everyone threw a $50 in the pot. Who evers trap caught a mouse first got the pot then they would rebait and play again. Another one was the mouse and chips game, set a mouse in the middle of the card table and everyone put a potato chip in from of them. The guys that got the mouse to eat his chip first won the pot, $50 buy in there too. And there were typically 10 people playing. I couldn't believe the money that I watched change hands, and this shit was every other night. The nights that they weren't playing at the garage, they "claimed" to be playing big money games.

So, it's not that I am slighting your high card games, but ther is all sorts of shit to be bet on.

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