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Got Hit by a Car Today


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While I was on the bike.


It was about 8:30 and I was heading home. I turned onto my street, fliped my signal and slowed down to turn left accross trafic into my gravle driveway. I noticed a car behind me about 100 yards or more. I had to come to a complete stop to wait for clear trafic so I could turn into my driveway.


After about 20 seconds of sitting there, I heard a loud screech behind me, I look in my miror and see headlights coming FAST and swerving to the right about 10 ft away, I leaned the bike to the left, because frankly at that point it was all I could do. The car driverside smashed into my arm knocking me over into the other lane where traffic was still going by. On comming traffic had to swerve into my yard to avoid hitting my body that was tossed partally into the other lane.


The car that hit me had to atleast have been going 70+. As soon as he got controll of his car, he took the fuck off. All I could tell was that it was a black car.


My arm is all black and blue and feels liek somthing might be fractured or broken.

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Never. I'll call the orthopedics tomorow and scedual an apointment, I have to scedual a doctors apointment anyway tomorow for heartburn/possible stomach ulsers. nah I didn't see any car parts in the yard. the car never really stopped moving, just went half way into the ditch
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I thought about it, but what would I tell the police? Only thing I could say is that it was a black, or dark colored car and not a truck. I couldn't even tell you the make, model, a ball park estimite in year, or how many doors it had. All I saw was: Headlights in mirror, pavement, on coming cars, and then fading red dots (tail lights). No one going the opposite direction stopped either. People suck.


The swelling has stopped, and the brusing is going down a little, but it still hurts like a bitch. Its getting checked out before work in the morning.

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Went to the Orthopedic's office today, to get it checked out. I have a slight fracture, but nothing that has to be casted for 6 weeks. They gave me an arm aircast to wear, but I haven't put it on yet. They told me no riding for atleast two weeks, which was funny because I rode there and back, and it didn't really bother me to much.
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That really blows. At least you came out of it mostly OK.



You really should file a report... What if someone behind the car that hit you saw the accident happen? Maybe they chose to chase the vehicle rather than stop and help you. If they got a plate number and called it in, they still wouldnt know who the bike was. If you call in making your report that you were at that place and time when you were hit, then they have a complete case.


doubtful, but worth a shot.

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