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Flicking CIGARETTS? Hit my car again=DEATH


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This rant is about Flicking Cigs out your window not about smoking them.


I mean it doesnt piss me off too bad but shit dont litter and dont throw your trash that you created at my personal property i take pride in the wax job I just put on my car.


Your cigarette butt is you own personal property and its your trash so fukin throw it away.


Its not my fault your getting cancer and paying for it, at least Have the descent courtesy to throw it away.The next mother fucker that does so i will stop my car pick up the cigarette butt proceed to chase him down lean out the window when i do catch up to him and literally give him the finger and proceed to throw it at his windshield. After that i will tell him have a nice day and eat shit.


It might sound pretty hischoolish but i love my car and it doesnt smoke so please dont throw cigarret butts at my car.


Flame suit on, check.

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  turboteg2nv said:
When you're going that fast, what's it gonna hurt? just boinks off the paint, i'm sure it doesn't hurt anything. but it does piss me off too

Our old van almost burned to the ground because a flicked cigarette caught the wind and ended up in the passengers seat, down in the seat/back crack, without anyone knowing. Thanks god for the Big Gulp. The new seat still cost a shit ton.


Fuck smokers, put that shit in your ashtray, it aint hard. You want us to respect you, then fucking respect us. There is no excuse.

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me and my buddy were going to westerville one night and a fucking pop can got thrown out someones window on 270 and nailed the bumper on his car and spiderwebed the paint a little bit if we were right at the exit he would found somethign to throw out the window back at him but yea cigarrette butts piss me off to because people dont give a shit where they flick them
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  MR. 2 said:
Stop following so close.

Its a cigarete, it weighs nothing, you done have to be too close. Plus there's people that flick them out without looking to see if theres a car next to them or coming up in their blind spot, i.e. the van story.


  RX7dood said:
smoking is a sign of weakness.



All recreational drug use is a sign of weekness. I'm weak at work in the morning, I drink coffee.

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Smoking is a weakness.. they can't stop, or they "NEED" it to calm them down. I don't understand any rational that says they enjoy doing it.. your addicted!!!


Cigarette butts are littering, and you should get fined the $500 dollars for it. Even flicking a cigarette straight down or away from a car is not considerate.. your littering. End of story. Would you seriously want your car have a cigarette butt thrown at it? If you don't like your car.. then consider w/e you consider precious having a piece of trash thrown at it.

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