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Drunk Mayor's wife


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I heard this on the radio this morning and I think to myself at first "So what, she got pulled over for drunk driving." While I don't condone this action what so ever, I don't think it should be that big of a deal.... Except for the fact that she blew a .271 and ran into a parked car! Wow, some people should just not be allowed to intermingle with the rest of society.
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my boss @ work was saying that when you blow past a certain limit, you get charged w/ dui, then something like extreme dui. he said a few years ago blew a .18x and got charged w/ 2 dift levels of DUI, and if she doesnt get something like that, hes gonna be making quite a few calls
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i went to a nurses awards banquet(step mom won an award for caring and something) it was a big deal. Mayor's wife had to get up and make a speech. she was wasted, kept saying the same things over and over and almost fell over. then when she was supposed to go off stage, she walked over to the curtain and tried to find her way off, it was hilarious!
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haha... run for govorner.... hmmmmmm his wife is kinda screwing that one up for him.



I don't think she has to screw it up for him, he is doing a fine job of that himself

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