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Beer or Liquor???


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Getting fucked up quick, straight shots, whiskey. What kind of whiskey depends on whats in yer wallet. I love crown royal, but its hard to beat benchmark whiskey for $8 a bottle.

I drink more beer though, I don't have to deal with the hangover. I'll tip one for you right now, and damn sure I owe you a bottle when you get back. I'm just thankful for those who serve our country.

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I'll drink just about anything other than wiskey, tequila, burbons, scotch. They are all nasty.


I like all kinds of beer. My favorite drink is a rum (Barcadi Superior) and coke with a lime squeezed into it. If I'm trying to get fuxored you'll see me with one of those in my right hand and some good beer in my left. Just about anything from a good micro brew. If you've never had anything form the Elevator or Barleys I highly recommend those two places, good food to boot. Sam Adams is the only good domestic brewery, period.


I'm going to give you youngins a few pieces of advice. Little known secrets of the world of alcohol that you will thank me for one day.


1. Titos vodka. I actually learned about this from Aaron the beer guy, and he even posted it on here. I've had to introduce it to numerous people, and in turn they have introduced it to numerous people, it's that good. It is an amazing vodka, and for only $15/fifth, you can't beat the price for how good it is. Mix this ~50/50 with cranberry juice on ice and you can't taste the vodka. Instant fucked up in a can.


2. Hurleys Infamous 151 Margaritas. Remember how I said I hate tequila? Barcadai makes a frozen margarita mix that is designed to be used with rum, and oh do I love rum! But instead of using the sissy rum like the directions say, use about the same amount of 151 (1/2 a can). You can use more than that (1/2 to 1 full can) if you're really brave, but it's really not necessary. Making it according to the directions will net 5 medium sized drinks (~10oz), that each have ~one shot of 151 in them. As long as you drink it before it starts to melt you can't taste the 151. One of the only frozen drinks you can drink and not look like a sissy. I've shared this with a few people on this board too, I'm sure they will chime in with how amazing this drink is.


Enjoy bitches!

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Guest SweeeetSilvia
  copperhead said:
I've still got half a bottle of Everclear that everyone is too pussy to drink with me. It's not bad mixed with code red mt. dew, and it doesn't take much at all to get you fucked up.



Nobody will drink it? That shit is one of my fav's.

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