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And here I thought I was being diplomatic in my response. Next time, I'll remember that diplomacy is wasted on you, won't bother with that effort, and simply up and flame the fuck out of your for being a dumbass.


For the record, "medulla" wasn't the funnier word to use. It was your attempt to seem smart, and it backfired. I hope the delicious irony of it all isn't lost.


Its the interweb, a place in where many a fag goes to feel special for what they lack in there role in society. Fucking flame me I could car less only if I cared at all. You speak of diplomacy like CR is the fucking Untied Nations.


The world Medulla, in my opinion was the funniest available because it harkens back to the Colonel Sanders professor character in from the Water boy. Water boy=funny. Worrying about being biologically correct and/or truthful in the post was not on the top on the list.


You need to stop worrying about being politically correct, a diplomat, a Dr, a Biology professor, and go swipe you credit card at IPS a few times to ensure you place on the totem pole next year. Your quick wit on the interweb wont save you from a roll.

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Its the interweb, a place in where many a fag goes to feel special for what they lack in there role in society. Fucking flame me I could car less only if I cared at all. You speak of diplomacy like CR is the fucking Untied Nations.


The world Medulla, in my opinion was the funniest available because it harkens back to the Colonel Sanders professor character in from the Water boy. Water boy=funny. Worrying about being biologically correct and/or truthful in the post was not on the top on the list.


You need to stop worrying about being politically correct, a diplomat, a Dr, a Biology professor, and go swipe you credit card at IPS a few times to ensure you place on the totem pole next year. Your quick wit on the interweb wont save you from a roll.


Fine, have it your way - I've always enjoyed making you look stupid.


Let the medulla bit die. It wasn't funny then, it's still not funny, and the more you bring it up the more we're reminded that you're an idiot. You tried to sound smart and got shown that you're not. Sorry about your luck, poser, but that's what you'll get from time to time.


Oh, and now I see that we're back to your inferiority complex. Look, Coltboostin's whining again because Dr. Z06 has money! Cry me a fucking river, Econobox Boy; no one cares about you being piss poor, and only you seem to care that I'm not. You want the privileges that I've earned? Easy - work harder, hustle more, and make it happen. It's called capitalism, fucker. In the meantime, try not to lose too much sleep thinking about all those credit card swipes happening at IPS and just how small and insignificant those 136mph traps that you hold so dear will be come spring.


Wait, I almost forgot, all hope is not lost: I'm sure you can pick up an extra shift or two at the pool next summer to help pay for a turbo upgrade.

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Fine, have it your way - I've always enjoyed making you look stupid.


Let the medulla bit die. It wasn't funny then, it's still not funny, and the more you bring it up the more we're reminded that you're an idiot. You tried to sound smart and got shown that you're not. Sorry about your luck, poser, but that's what you'll get from time to time..


Let it go? I was never holding on. The only person who brought it BACK up, looks to be you in an attempt to be correct in a situation where correctness or proper use of the noun in question never really mattered, at least in my eyes. Who has the inferiority complex again?




Oh, and now I see that we're back to your inferiority complex. Look, Coltboostin's whining again because Dr. Z06 has money! Cry me a fucking river, Econobox Boy; no one cares about you being piss poor, and only you seem to care that I'm not. You want the privileges that I've earned? Easy - work harder, hustle more, and make it happen. It's called capitalism, fucker. In the meantime, try not to lose too much sleep thinking about all those credit card swipes happening at IPS and just how small and insignificant those 136mph traps that you hold so dear will be come spring.


Wait, I almost forgot, all hope is not lost: I'm sure you can pick up an extra shift or two at the pool next summer to help pay for a turbo upgrade.



I did not whine about my back account vs. yours now did I? Go ahead, I will give you time to go back and read my post again and look for this comparison............



Not there? Right! If you could read, I just simply said you have other things to worry about- which include going faster. I would assume a hard working beefcake like you has more money than a full time college student. It would be stupid to argue other wise don’t you think?

If you wrenched yourself, I would have told you to make a trip to Jegs, but that is not that case here now is it.


I know 136mph wont be much for next year, but if you feel your in heated competition with a home grown Econobox, I feel for you. You should set you sights on a worthy opponent, one with a similar platform and similar resources, like Ohioko4s4.


Oh and the turbo upgrade arrived Today, thanks for asking. :thumbup:

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Who has the inferiority complex again?


You. Christ, how many times do we have to go over this? Come on, Colt, use your medulla oblongata for once!


I know 136mph wont be much for next year, but if you feel your in heated competition with a home grown Econobox, I feel for you. You should set you sights on a worthy opponent, one with a similar platform and similar resources, like Ohiokos4.


Is this what it looks like when you bitch out?

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You. Christ, how many times do we have to go over this? Come on, Colt, use your medulla oblongata for once!


See, now thats funny!



Is this what it looks like when you bitch out?


Oh no, we will still have our race, and if you find the 10+mph your missing (conservatively factoring in what the turbo and internals sitting on my dresser should net me), you should beat me. But in my humble opinion, a (hopefully heavily by next year) modded ZO6 shooting for a fun econoboxs is like The Missouri in heated battle with PT-109; stupid and mismatched. If your do beat me, what have you gained? You can then brag to your friend about pulling 1/2 a car on a 93 Dodge Colt. Why bother when you can gun for what will be the baddest street can on Ohio's streets?


I guess we can consider it a qualifier for the main event. If you cant beat me by a buslength, then there will be no point in lining up with Ohioko4s4.

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Oh no, we will still have our race, and if you find the 10+mph your missing (conservatively factoring in what the turbo and internals sitting on my dresser should net me), you should beat me. But in my humble opinion, a (hopefully heavily by next year) modded ZO6 shooting for a fun econoboxs is like The Missouri in heated battle with PT-109; stupid and mismatched. If your do beat me, what have you gained? You can then brag to your friend about pulling 1/2 a car on a 93 Dodge Colt. Why bother when you can gun for what will be the baddest street can on Ohio's streets?


Quit flattering yourself; no one is "shooting" for your econobox. You're simply one of many that I'll end up owning. *yawn*

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Quit flattering yourself; no one is "shooting" for your econobox. You're simply one of many that I'll end up owning. *yawn*


As I said, owning a low buck econobox gets you zero style points, but as it stands, if I did make it down there since you guys were COMPLETLY unwilling to meet us halfway, you would have been on MY short leash. Your Sprayed ZO6 is my bitch from a roll or a dig until you actually beat me, or come up with some track numbers to say otherwise, dont forget that.


So, you wont be owning anyone until you get to work.


I mean get your toonerz to work.

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As I said, owning a low buck econobox gets you zero style points, but as it stands, if I did make it down there since you guys were COMPLETLY unwilling to meet us halfway, you would have been on MY short leash. Your Sprayed ZO6 is my bitch from a roll or a dig until you actually beat me, or come up with some track numbers to say otherwise, dont forget that.


So, you wont be owning anyone until you get to work.


I mean get your toonerz to work.


Awesome, you have a time slip with better numbers than I do. Thus, on paper, your Colt > my Z06. Congratulations.


Well, since we're comparing things, I thought I'd make some assertions, all of which, mind you, I'd be glad to verify:


1. I'm smarter than you;

2. I'm better looking than you;

3. I make more money than you;

4. I have a bigger dick than you; and

5. I can get more girls, and better looking ones, than you.


Oh, how your mighty time slip and grand bench racing skills start to pale in comparison!


Yup, your Colt may, on paper, make my Z06 its bitch until proven otherwise, but, until you prove me otherwise on the above five things, then you're my bitch.


So, tell me, how's it feel to know that, in the pissing contest of life, you're the urinal cake?

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Awesome, you have a time slip with better numbers than I do. Thus, on paper, your Colt > my Z06. Congratulations.


Oh, how your mighty time slip and grand bench racing skills start to pale in comparison!


Haha! this is awesome.


I see you have come to terms about the truth of the matter as for as racing goes, thats a good step. Bench racing skills? No need I am already MUCH faster. You forgot already?







Well, since we're comparing things, I thought I'd make some assertions, all of which, mind you, I'd be glad to verify:


1. I'm smarter than you;

2. I'm better looking than you;

3. I make more money than you;

4. I have a bigger dick than you; and

5. I can get more girls, and better looking ones, than you.



Yup, your Colt may, on paper, make my Z06 its bitch until proven otherwise, but, until you prove me otherwise on the above five things, then you're my bitch.


So, tell me, how's it feel to know that, in the pissing contest of life, you're the urinal cake?




So let me get this straight, so since you posted the above statements-they are all fact and I have to prove you wrong, and these same fictitious claims somehow make me your bitch? Lol you are quite the sad individual.


You have to make up things, NOT ONE of which you can verify about me, and claim some kind of superiority over me by your made up reality? Haha! I would not expect such desperate measures out of the “great” Dr.Z06; his make believe reality. Folks, welcome to the Neverland ranch.


God I love the internet. :funny:

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This shit is too good Dr., linking it to everyone.com for good laughs.




And BTW- I send you an Emial of my fully erect cock, as many names/pics of bitched I have had that I can remember, My official IQ, My W2, and my ID# on Onemodelsouce.com. Send me your info we can compare and make a poll! How fun!:grin2: :gay:

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I see you have come to terms about the truth of the matter as for as racing goes, thats a good step. Bench racing skills? No need I am already MUCH faster. You forgot already?


I don't see where he says your car is faster. All I see is an admittance of higher numbers on a timeslip.


Do you need someone to explain the difference, like you did when you used the words that were too big?

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