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Okay, first of all, sorry to those who requested this thread to be closed. I did so, but in turn received several PMs from "Tonya" complaining. Apparently she's going to "do some digging" and find out who I am.

Here I thought I was doing Hinds a favor by closing this.

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It's almost sickening what's going on it this thread. It's evident its complete trolling at this point. All of you posting this crap are just trying to get a rise out of Jeff and Tonya. MAJOR KUDOS to Jeff for coming on here and "defending" his dealer like he has. Tonya, too. I've said it several times in the earlier stages of this thread that Hinds is by far the only dealer I'll deal with in the area. I'm like 5 bikes in from there. Ya, I shopped the prices, but no other dealer in town was able to offer and any of my units for what Tonya and Josh were offering them to me. Yeah yeah, you say they knew me, BUT the first one came from there when they didn't. Therefore, the other sales pretty much followed. As for service, well I really can't speak on that cause I do most of my own routine stuff and only take to dealers when I can't handle the issue. I think you guys need to layoff a bit. I believe this all started over the mouse thing...Jeff agreed it happened, gave possible explanations how it got there and why it went undetected. What else do you want.....(rhetorical). With the increases, per year, Jeff says he dealer does....Hinds will be around for a long while. Like it or leave it, but you all should ease up a bit.

Flame me.....Putty no care...hehe!

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It's almost sickening what's going on it this thread. It's evident its complete trolling at this point. All of you posting this crap are just trying to get a rise out of Jeff and Tonya. MAJOR KUDOS to Jeff for coming on here and "defending" his dealer like he has. Tonya, too. I've said it several times in the earlier stages of this thread that Hinds is by far the only dealer I'll deal with in the area. I'm like 5 bikes in from there. Ya, I shopped the prices, but no other dealer in town was able to offer and any of my units for what Tonya and Josh were offering them to me. Yeah yeah, you say they knew me, BUT the first one came from there when they didn't. Therefore, the other sales pretty much followed. As for service, well I really can't speak on that cause I do most of my own routine stuff and only take to dealers when I can't handle the issue. I think you guys need to layoff a bit. I believe this all started over the mouse thing...Jeff agreed it happened, gave possible explanations how it got there and why it went undetected. What else do you want.....(rhetorical). With the increases, per year, Jeff says he dealer does....Hinds will be around for a long while. Like it or leave it, but you all should ease up a bit.

Flame me.....Putty no care...hehe!

I gave ahmra120 kudos first. :D

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Edited.... I just want to say that if anyone wants my side, I am willing to tell it. A lot of mis-truths were stated and could be VERY harmful to me and my family. I never spoke a single lie as to what I heard or witnessed. I have also met Jeff on a few occassions and will approach him in a professional and civil manner on a side bar.

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Jeff, look. I am not wishing you any ill will. I hope you all do well and have great success. I will not mention you in any comments from this point forward. I apologize for any bad blood and hope we can be civil when we meet at some point. I can promise I will be very professional and act accordingly. I can only hope you do the same.

I know you think I am not capable of doing or saying anything relating to this industry and that is fine. All I ask is that you not say things that are not true. Hearsay is easy to handle. Lies are things that can hurt people.


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Mr. Griffin,

I was really upset to see you were bad mouthing Hinds. I mean, after all the time I spent with you and the test rides you have taken at Hind's expense. I think as a sales person, I had a ton of patience with you as a customer. You would come into the dealership once or twice a week and spend hours of my time with absolutely no intention of buying at that time. I work off commision and lost numerous sales because I was locked up by you. So for you to make harmful comments about Hinds is unfounded and inappropriate. You do not work for free! I do not see why you felt you should waste my time and then complain about Hinds.

Let me begin this post by responding to Jeff,

Jeff, I am sorry you are upset at being called a liar. I had no idea that you, the owner and operator of Hinds were unaware of what your own service department was doing. However, either way, I purchased a bike from you (my third and last) and in less than a month, was told that you could not service this bike.

The bike I am speaking of was a 2004 Aprilia RSV1000R and I am not simply speaking of an oil change. Aprilia recalled the swingarms on the 04 models due to a potential crack forming. I had to load the bike into the back of a truck and take it to Detroit Euro.

As to your assertion that I am only upset because you would not give me a deal on the B-King. You are partialy correct. I felt, and still feel that after purchasing 3 bikes in 5 years, and having the above difficulty with the Aprilia and to a lesser extent the Triumph, you would offer me a good deal.

In your diatribe, you list several attemps at satisfying the others you called out. I can only say that if your company would have offered me any attempt at satisfaction, I might still be a potential customer...

To Tonya,

Let me give you a small piece of advice, a customer NEVER wastes your time.

Especially one who has already purchased 3 bikes in less than 5 years.

2000 TLR

2002 955i

2004 Aprilia Mille

I wonder what Zerocrash would call this kind of customer.....loyal maybe?


I purchased all of my bikes from Josh, (who, by the way, always did a fine job) the only time you and I spoke at length was regarding the B-king. Your statement of losing sales because of being "locked up" by me is absurd.

As for all those test rides, I can only remember 4:

2002 Triumph Sprint St.......a few weeks later I purchased the 955i

2004 Aprilia..........purchased a few weeks later

2005 Triumph Bonneville America.........still want one

2008 B-King...........purchased a few days later

At no point have I told anyone NOT to shop at your store, I posted my experiences.....this is afterall a forum on Shop Reviews.

In closing, I have never, nor do I now wish for the closing of your business, on the contrary, I hope you take this criticism and build a stronger company.

Good luck to both of you.

Edited by The King
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Now that was some good reading..:coffee:

No kiddin'.....After 5 months....It just got interesting!! roflmao.gif

Holy hell - it took forever, but I fixed it for you. Please take your medication and try harder next time - we believe in you. Yay!



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I have to say bravo. I'm staying as neutral as possible on this, but I have to give props for actually signing up and posting your reply to everyone. No other shop owner in Ohio has done this on our board. Major kudos. With that said, I'm not believing any side over the other. I don't really care. I hope all parties involved come to a mutual resolution.

Didn't CycleSearch guy go around & around with Scrappy Girl & LP last month???

And where is he getting people's full, real names from. Is he going back, searching through his private records based on the scenarios described, & posting their info?

Edited by Fonzie
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