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HOLY SHIT! anybody try to drive tonight?


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so i was driving home 10:50 (i live east of columbus in patskala) and the freezing rain makes it SO SLIPPERY! and i couldn't see anything too, i had to keep my finger pushing in the winshild washer fluid butten. and i still had to get out and scrape off ice every stop light. but it was loads of fun in the parking lot, i was going just 7 MPH and i yanked on my E-Brake and my little rabbit did a 720 degree spin, and i could spin my tires like nothing.
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I was also driving east of town tonight, it was interesting to say the least. I was following my friend while trying to find our way to the highway. At one point he slammed on his brakes to make a blind turn and I had to swerve to keep from hitting his bumper. He later told me that he almost slid into the ditch at that time. Thankfully, my car doesn't have ABS :sarcasm:
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He 16..he's never drove before and he WILL wreck this winter! damn teenagers

i got my permit in the middle of winter a few years ago. i have a perfectly clean driving record.


btw, was out riding in a 1200lb/ft+ cummins tonite on this shit, we had a little too much fun, and we turned a lot of snow black.

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its people in trucks that think they are the shit that are the most dangerous. Me and rigsby were getting off 315 to go to the bars downtown the exit turns on the bridge. well i come around the corner fucking retarded people left their car sideways in the road and are standing outside. people that came later ran into them.


when we got there there was probably 8 cars, I was able to pull to the side and put my hazards on. looked back and people are getting smashed behind us, as i try to pull out some D-bag in a truck blows through the wreck area at like 50 mph, real cool.


then on the lane avenue bridge there were enough wrecks to have students come out and watch. countless other pileups everywhere.



The reason everyone should slow down in weather like this is BLACK ICE, means you can't see it. Mike if you drove back from campus at 70mph all the way, you were extremely lucky not to smash into the median on the S_turns by the hospital, those things were iced too.

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I think its mainly that the trac loc is gone in my beaters rear end and I was used to driving in my other bird that it works in. the main roads weren't bad I was getting owned over in independace village where my buddy lives, then turned sideways trying to drive up my driveway..lol weeeee
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I think its mainly that the trac loc is gone in my beaters rear end and I was used to driving in my other bird that it works in. the main roads weren't bad I was getting owned over in independace village where my buddy lives, then turned sideways trying to drive up my driveway..lol weeeee


Yea, I took it REAL slow up my driveway. :D

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I was also driving east of town tonight, it was interesting to say the least. I was following my friend while trying to find our way to the highway. At one point he slammed on his brakes to make a blind turn and I had to swerve to keep from hitting his bumper. He later told me that he almost slid into the ditch at that time. Thankfully, my car doesn't have ABS :sarcasm:


yup, that was me he was following, i just saw headlights come flying up on my rear end and swerve at the last moment... all while i was trying to stop for the road and avoid sliding in the ditch...it was interesting...


a road that was bad was Mink St right off of Morse road headed towards Johnstown, headed back from columbus i turned on to Mink st, no problems yet, was doing like 15 miles an hour in second gear, gave it a little gas and the right rear tire broke loose (i dont have limited slip either so i lost ALL traction in the rear), so the truck went completly sideways and i found myself facing the small imbankment and a telephone pole, so i turned the wheel to the right but not far enough to over correct, and about 5 seconds later i pulled back straight and from there on did 5 mph the whole way towards 161, it was BAD, any and all inclines (even the slightest change in elevation) meant my wheel would spin and kick the truck sideways, i was goin up hills like i was drifting in a straight line... kinda weird

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I took my girl out to eat and couldn't get back in my neighborhood every road was blocked off by cops and cones. Also, I did fine driving the Z3 but just in my area I saw like 12-15 wrecks.
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