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What I've been doing lately


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See now that is the gun of a someone who is just buying shit to say they have it. That gun is set up so unbalanced its rediculous.


Yea i bet the airsoft is a bit more fun the more guys you get, i just never could get enough of the Speed ball tournys. With just under $4,000 in my one gun alone, i too ditched it because it was just getting too pricey. One night at practice, a PRACTICE, i spent just over $300 on paint... just paint. That was the last night i played.


I think i was into it more because at that time, a lot of new shit was coming out. Me and my guys came up with a few tricks that seem to be common practice today. The Z-grip for the automags was something that myself and a teammate Seth came up with because we usually held our guns up near our shoulders and got tire of cocking our wrists all wierd. So we went home and milled a grip to fit backwards and wallah... the Z-grip was out. I came up with the first air assist comfiguration... i used 4 nipples and lines as opposed to just one or two, but the effect was about the same. Our biggest success was the drop forward. We just took a bottom line kit and turned it around and fed it with a microline instead of a stainless one. It worked very well and caught on pretty quickly. After that though, the only thing we came up with was the double trigger... pull in it fires, let out it fires... once the "turbo" mode came along, it was instantly a waste of time... it was too hard to time it to shoot right.


That more than anything was probably why i played as long as i did. ill probably never play again, but it was fun while it lasted. I will always have the memories of the 13 vs 78 battle in Lexington... it sucks to be out numbered 6 to 1 off the start, but to lose by only 2 men just pisses you off :p

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Yeah thats pricey. Airsoft 6mm bbs - good brand high quality will run you about $10 for a bag of 4,000 at .2g or $12 for a bag 3,000 at .25g. For $300-$400 you can be completely competitive in airsoft in terms of a weapon, and after that initial investment, the recurring costs are, well, the bbs. Unless you count charging a battery at your house.


I didn't think there were any pball events on the scale of those airsoft events hosted by the Army - Colonel Danny (blackhawk down) McKnight and MSG Mullen - at the Army's very own Ft Knox MOUT site, with all the trimmings. Irene I, II, and III: real tanks, APCs, army personel roleplaying indigenous civillians, real machinegun fire (blank rounds, but the noise is bigtime), technicals driving around, real helo crash sites, pyrotechnics, RPGs, etc. From all accounts they are unreal. I'll be there next year - still kicking myself for not working out a way to get free to go last fall.

They were not on that scale, I was refering to the setting, urban small villages and such. The number of people would be the same, I went to a big game at HellCreek in Mich. were there was over 500 the field was big, can remember the size but that was a blast.

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nismo, spln, - yeah I can see that when you get burnt out on something it's tough to return to. But if you're ever interested come on out, the people are great and I think you'll have fun.


orion - yeah, it is a total blast. And the people are great so far. Not the least reason is since it relies on the honor system to call hits, you can only get so deep into that competitive mental zone (the place where people's asshat behavior sometimes gets slipped out) before you have to bob back up to reality and remember to play fair. In all the events I've been to there's only been one incident of having to call in a ref. And that was resolved in minutes. That was at an all-day event with over 100 people. So compare that to say football games, in terms of then number of people playing and the time on field, and there's way less fouls and refereeing needed. All guys know how to play this fair - heck we all did it as boys. :D


Oh, spln - if you liked that level of engineering and tinkering in pball, you'd like airsoft too. The guns are essentially electric motors running thru a gear box driving a piston/cylinder arrangement (well there is a bellows system on one of the manufacturers support gun lines, but its unqiue) and so there's all sorts of tinkering you can do to satisfy that craving. Sector gears, bevel gears, tappet plates, the motors themselves, pistons, piston heads, tightbore barrels, bore-up kits, hopup chambers, hopup bucking and sleeves, mechbox bodies and piston nozzles. There's alot of "stuff" you can fidget with if you want. Or you can buy a gun from TM, ICS, or CA and not worry about any of it. I myself spend time tearing the guns down for well I gotta admit, no really good reason. But its fun to tinker.


Anyway thats where my time's been going.

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See now that is the gun of a someone who is just buying shit to say they have it. That gun is set up so unbalanced its rediculous.


That more than anything was probably why i played as long as i did. ill probably never play again, but it was fun while it lasted. I will always have the memories of the 13 vs 78 battle in Lexington... it sucks to be out numbered 6 to 1 off the start, but to lose by only 2 men just pisses you off :p


sorry nick i have to say that you are a little wrong on that point. that gun is unbalanced and that person does have some money. but that setup is perfect for airball field (remember airball and speedball are different) that is also someone that has a lot of money and start with a spyder or pirahnna and then got some money. there is nothing wrong with that gun i bet it shoots awesome. the guy made the gun for his needs. the front reg is for looks not use.


have you ever played splatterpark we played "save the president" and it was the first and second place teams (us and carnage experts) against 125 people. the two teams that were protecting the president could only be killed by head shots. we had 3 people left when we were done. :) greatest game in the world.


CR paintball game needs to be played damnit. I would love to try airsoft but i have some money wrapped up in paintball. 02' cocker 02'/04' angel speed.

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Guest Oscar-BlackEagle

Glad you all liked our videos and pics from Irene and Distant Horizon. I happened to see this thread linked in my web site referral statistics and figured I'd stop by and chime in.


Airsoft, to me, is about military simulation. The guns are realistic, the gear is realistic and the people playing can put as much into their game as they want. Some teams like to train in military tactics to prepare for an op. Some teams (like ours) train every weekend year-round for airsoft events.


The beauty of airsoft is you can be a weekend warrior or a hardcore milsim enthusiast. Doesn't matter. Airsoft ops usually have a series of objectives for each side to achieve. The possibilities are endless. Compare this to speedball, for instance, and you can see where airsoft would appeal to a larger audience because of its variety and limitless potential.


If you're into milsim you can put together a team, train in some tactics and test your mettle. It's gratifying, when you've trained extensively, to see the your hard work pay off. You can make airsoft as realistic as you want. It's a beautiful thing.


Getting into airsoft is as simple as investing $200-400. The ammo is cheap, unlike paintball, and holding a replica of a real gun is so cool. I was so glad to ditch the cost of paint, the CO2 tank, the hopper and the mess. I'll never go back to paintball. There are just so many more advantages to airsoft, so much more you can do and experience.


If you were to pit a paintball team against an airsoft team I think you'd find that the paintball team would be dessimated in short order. Airsoft teams tend to train more in military tactics and how to deal with an enemy. If you were to throw an airsoft team at a speedball team they would be overrun and flanked. With airsoft there is true teamwork at play, which means while we lay down cover fire another team is advancing on your position. I dunno, I just don't see paintball as a sport that's very big on tactics.


But I digress. This is just my own personal opinion.





Task Force BlackEagle


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If you were to pit a paintball team against an airsoft team I think you'd find that the paintball team would be dessimated in short order. Airsoft teams tend to train more in military tactics and how to deal with an enemy. If you were to throw an airsoft team at a speedball team they would be overrun and flanked. With airsoft there is true teamwork at play, which means while we lay down cover fire another team is advancing on your position. I dunno, I just don't see paintball as a sport that's very big on tactics.


But I digress. This is just my own personal opinion.





Task Force BlackEagle



honestly man in speedball/airball there is a lot of team work involved to win. 5 man teams isnt as easy as you would think. in woods play there is even more tactics that are needed to overcome the other team. Also ever heard of a scenerio game? I have played 2 before and they are the shit. 48 hour games where there are generals all the way down to foot soliders. i played the first game ever at shiloh and there was over 175 people that played. it kick ass and i went through 20,000 paintballs roughly (10 cases). and 25 air fills. hoesntly you need to try that before saying which is more fun.

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... Also ever heard of a scenerio game? I have played 2 before and they are the shit. 48 hour games where there are generals all the way down to foot soliders. i played the first game ever at shiloh and there was over 175 people that played. it kick ass and i went through 20,000 paintballs roughly (10 cases). and 25 air fills. hoesntly you need to try that before saying which is more fun.
I think the ratio of milsim to just team-on-team mayhem is higher in airsoft though. In the half year I've been playing airsoft I've only been to 1 non "scenario" event (as you put it). You're right, they are fun.


BTW- BlackEagle rocks. I've yet to hear anyone say anything bad about them. Wish I had more time to chat with them at Distant Horizon. Great vids Oscar.

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Guest Oscar-BlackEagle

In airsoft that's all it's about is military-style scenarios. That's all we play. Granted, there are some teams and individuals that prefer to do speedball-style play, but our team tends to only pick the milsim events because that's what we live for.


I'm trying to imagine a milsim style event or scenario with paintball. The paint would be distracting. You'd have to worry about your hopper giving away your position. You would have to reload way more often and you would have to regas. 10 cases of paint at $50 apiece would equal $500 in ammo alone. Compare that to airsoft where you pay $12 a bag of 3700 rounds, your mags can hold 200-500 or more. BB's can be carried with you onto the battlefield and take up very little space. The sheer diversity in weapons and their roles; you have gunners, light support, grenadiers (M203), etc.. Scenarios have a true military flavor.


I don't know... I just think all of the paintball flair would distract me to the point of not enjoying it. After you've experienced airsoft milsim it's hard to find anything else that compares. If you've ever experienced something like OP: Irene you can pretty much throw in the towel on anything else except real war. I'm not trying to dog paintball, please don't misunderstand me. I just feel airsoft brings milsim to a level paintball could never achieve.


In the end it's all about what you enjoy and there's nothing wrong with that. :) There are positive aspects to both sports and one is no better than the other. It's up to the individual to decide which they prefer.


Ok, enough of my $0.02. :D


Thank you for the kind words Mowgli. I appreciate it. I don't think I met you at Distant Horizon did I? Or was it in a round-about way? I definitely need to find a better way to mount my helmet cam. I feel like a football player with that huge helmet on. lol Videos have taken it to a whole new level for us. It's awesome.





Task Force BlackEagle


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I was the sole support gunner on the ICNA side. Callsign Hillslam. After Blade (Strikers) made us aware that B.E.A. were the ones to watch out for (in terms of fast manuevering) I could tell when it was your team or TAC. As the only SAW I got shifted around alot. You guys made me tired as a dog - thanks alot! :) jk - I had a blast.


Not sure we talked personally. But I did get to talk to at least one BEA member, I think. Hope to see you out at an event sometime and shake your hand.


I went thru more than 9,000 rounds that day. I don't want to know how much that would have cost in paint ammo. Ugh. I plan to try out a helmet cam myself at op Espial Justice.

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Guest Oscar-BlackEagle

Ah yes, Hillslam. I remember when you arrived on AirsoftOhio. I guess I'll count myself lucky that I didn't get close enough to see you. ;) I tend to want to stay a decent distance from a SAW gunner.


The reason we maneuver so quickly is to try and gain control of a situation. That and the worst thing you can do is sit there and do nothing, so we tend to try to keep moving and keep the enemy guessing. I've noticed a lot of players will freeze and look for guidance from their teammates. This is a very bad sign. It means their squad isn't on the same page and someone isn't making decisions.


We try to stay on top of a situation as best we can, which means we have to move a lot and move fast. If it's one thing I've learned it's the more aggressive you are the more the enemy will fear you and start to question their own judgement. It's a mind-screw of sorts and it works, but your whole team has to be aggressive to make a big difference. We just strive to do our best and let the chips fall where they may. A lot of times being aggressive also means knowing when to cut your losses and get out of dodge. You can always regroup and take it back to the enemy.


Our average op attendance is 5 members. It takes the whole side working together to get the job done and you guys were on the ball consistently at Op: Distant Horizon. Unfortunately, our side wasn't. Fun was had by all though and it's one of the better ops I attended this year. :thumbup: I was able to get some decent footage too, although I wish I had gotten more. Forgot my damn batteries back at the truck.


You're going to have fun with the helmet cam. All of the footage you'll capture is priceless because you can relive the best moments over and over again. Editing and releasing your own videos is challenging and fun.


Next op we attend together hopefully we'll get to meet. Good luck at Espial Justice.


We've taken a couple weeks off from training due to holidays and such, but I hope to be back at it tomorrow playing in the snow. I've also got two of my guns in the shop getting upgraded, so I don't see us attending an op for a little while.





Task Force BlackEagle


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Some good starting platforms for sniper rifles:


H&K PSG1 from Tokyo Marui




The VSR 10 G spec also from TM




And the SVD DRAGUNOV - (best looking in my opinion)




And then the M24 SOCOM:



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Guest Oscar-BlackEagle
Some don't like to get out and get cold, but most of us do play during the winter months. Our team trains year-round. Just today we were out in the show having a good time.
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reading this thread makes me want to buy some stuff. I used to play paintball all the time w/ my buds but we ran outa money and the tourneys got old.



if i could get some some gear for less than 400 i might take up the sport.


I have my heart set on a m14 and they seem to be quite expenisve =(

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This may help. Go here:



Don't pay too much attention to the prices per say - they're all too high, and are in Canadian dollars, but the general info may be helpful if this is all completely and totally new to you and you're interested. I'd say knock all the dollar values on that page 1/3 off and you'd be near on, and of course you don't need to buy everything.

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