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Holla From Colorado


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So figured I would check in, say whatsup.


I have been out here for 2 and a half weeks, and have loved every minute of it. The local riders around here are 10x better than anyone you would see at mad river, I like it. :) Only the small park is open, but already, their rails amount to so much more than mad river rails, you can alctually flow and take lines.


The women, drooooooooooooooooool. I think god created Colorado resorts for hott foriegn women and tourist bitches.


Pot is about as abundant as snow up here, speaking of which we have been sacked witch 3 huge snowstorms already, and the day after the second one, I found myself walking out of chest high snow in the back country. MJ has some of the sickest trails, but it get really crowded on the weekends, but its fun, I get to be a prick to weekend gapers :) and ride like it is my mountain.


We hit Copper once already and accidentaly ran into Keir Dilton (rides pipe for Burton), cool guy, and rides pipe like no other. I am All signed up for USASA comps but, not rails jams or slop styles till late February. I got a job working third shift at a Grocery store making $11 an hour starting, and I made $400 just this week.


I had my bike sent to a shop in Denver, and it is tuned and all ready for spring riding.


I have been to the hospital twice already. Once for a dislocated arms from screwing around on some trails, and secondly for stitches and a cuncustion from smashing my head into a rail in the Rail Yard.


Can't wait to see some of you that are comming out this month. If anyone else is interested in a venture here top WP, hit me up 1-970-531-0787


P.S. I don't know how often i will eb checking this board, we are stealing internet as of right now because we are cheap bastards.

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ran into Keir Dilton (rides pipe for Burton), cool guy, and rides pipe like no other. I am All signed up for USASA comps but, not rails jams or slop styles till late February.

You realy need to explain that for people who dont 'ride the pipe". :p


It figures the first winter I know some one out there would be the first winter I couldn't go. Glad you having a good time man, I'll give ya $20 if you go above 14,000. ;)

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Pipe = Half Pipe (In this case it was super pipe)

Regular Pipe = 15ft walls

Super Pipe = 18ft walls (most major resorts have them, example is the the pipe used in the X Games or Olympics)

Rail Jam = Rail Contest (Jam Format)

Jam Format = Set time in which the compitition takes place, usually 3-4 rails to choose from, only possible to hit one rail at a time. You can use the rail as many times as you with within set time limit.

Slopstyle = A compitition that involves rails and jumps. A set of jumps is usually first, and a section of rails. The amount of runs you get depends on the event, usually 2 to 3.

Riding = riding your snowboard



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