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Straight to Hell... Anyone comming?


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:lol: excuse me I'm in tears :lol:

Okay so Tonya is dozing off on the couch, my mother is in the other room watching TV and our (well hers, but I've kinda claimed him :D )4 year old is sitting on the computer desk and I'm entertining him and we're boxing. I look over and see the printer/copier/scanner.

Copier is the key word here folks. :lol: I pick him up tell him we're playing a joke on mommy :D anyways, we photo copy his buttox :lol: side note, this thing makes color copies! I"m on the floor laughing my ass off and I get him to show his mother, then Grandma :lol: I think I'm in deep shit...

On a good note they were laughing too, but no where as hard as me :p

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You'll be alright. Kids are funny.

I remember one time me and 2 other friends went to visit my buddies g/f while she babysitted some little kid at their home. He went in the bedroom with her and left us with the little kid which was STUUUUUPID!:lol: We raided the fridge then the little kid came over and we told him to start throwing shit and he did. He poured A1 all over the floor at one point and jumped in it splashing it all over and yelled,"I got steak on my feet!" :lol: We was rolling. After the kitchen got trashed we knocked on the door and told our friend to come out a second. He was like,"WTF did you guys do!?". We told him the kid did it..lol. He did!:D So he told her he'd be right back and left her waiting in the bedroom naked while we all jetted and left. Boy she was PISSED I heard and got in trouble with the parents.

Oh to be a teenager with a license during the summer was a blast! :cool:

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You'll be alright. Kids are funny.

I remember one time me and 2 other friends went to visit my buddies g/f while she babysitted some little kid at their home. He went in the bedroom with her and left us with the little kid which was STUUUUUPID!:lol: We raided the fridge then the little kid came over and we told him to start throwing shit and he did. He poured A1 all over the floor at one point and jumped in it splashing it all over and yelled,"I got steak on my feet!" :lol: We was rolling. After the kitchen got trashed we knocked on the door and told our friend to come out a second. He was like,"WTF did you guys do!?". We told him the kid did it..lol. He did!:D So he told her he'd be right back and left her waiting in the bedroom naked while we all jetted and left. Boy she was PISSED I heard and got in trouble with the parents.

Oh to be a teenager with a license during the summer was a blast! :cool:

I miss high school!

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I've known for years that I am going....

When I was like 10 yr old, I saw an old nun tripped and fall down some stairs. It was only 5 or 6 steps, but I couldn't quit laughing....the old joke:

"What goes Black...White..black..white.black.white-black-whiteblackwhiteblackwhite?"

"A nun falling down stairs!"

That ran through my mind, and I couldn't stop, even when the old broad got up and started smacking the shit out of me with a stick(she pulled it out like a phucking Ninja).:slap:

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I've known for years that I am going....

When I was like 10 yr old, I saw an old nun tripped and fall down some stairs. It was only 5 or 6 steps, but I couldn't quit laughing....the old joke:

"What goes Black...White..black..white.black.white-black-whiteblackwhiteblackwhite?"

"A nun falling down stairs!"

That ran through my mind, and I couldn't stop, even when the old broad got up and started smacking the shit out of me with a stick(she pulled it out like a phucking Ninja).:slap:

That got me laughing just thinking about it.

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