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Ok I'm 22 I have a 05 VW Jetta GLI Leased(until) 2009 and putting entirely too many miles on....a 91 s-10 that the down because I am going to build it up later on in life, and a 2003 Suzuki TL-1000R.


The only payment I have which is helped by is my dad is the car and insurance, I think I can only afford I believe a car (on my own) of 10-11,000. I found a 2001 Camaro SS that has 96k on the clock for CHEAP. Test drove it and feels ok but I'm not very familiar to f-bodies much on anything. I do know a little bit about the motor.


I'm tired of modding my high 13sec jetta and tired of FWD. I would like to use this car as somewhat of a daily driver / mod car. I want it to at least be in the 12's prolly with bolt ons I/H/E, maybe a cam, and definately nitrous and tunes. I mainly want a pretty fast roll car...


Do you think this car is a good deal?


P.S. I'm a 4th year in college and will have to go midway through 5th year then be out in the real work force.


Thanks for reading and please give me opinions and resources on good forums and sites to look for parts.


Also I would appreciate it if someone with knowledge in this car would go with me to look at it and test drive it again! It's right in the middle of Columbus

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Guest MissTypeS

Good god, I'd save that cash for a down payment on a condo so you don't have to throw your money away on rent after you graduate. I decided against some mods for my GSR and ended up pimping out my living room. Better ROI, in my opinion. ;)


But hey, go for it - if you think its a good deal and have your heart set on it, why not.

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Good god, I'd save that cash for a down payment on a condo so you don't have to throw your money away on rent after you graduate. I decided against some mods for my GSR and ended up pimping out my living room. Better ROI, in my opinion. ;)


But hey, go for it - if you think its a good deal and have your heart set on it, why not.


She speaks the truth. Moding is a complete waste of money and only makes you happy for a little while until (A) you have to fix what you've broken or (B)make it faster to compete with someone else.


Personally I am not touching my wrx, and I'll probably sell it soon. In the mean time I've taken up the stock market and options trading and I will be buying a new GTR in a few years instead of having a 12 second car now.

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Why don't you finish college first and stop relying on daddy to help you with affording your car? You are 22 for goodnes sakes more then old enough to be independent and not need mommy n daddy's assistance.


I second MissTypeS's thoughts as well.

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