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Remember when my sig looked like this????


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Matt Macy (trurbo ranger bitch) and Nate got into my account and changed my shit. Someone delete this worthless thread :)



Keep this thread open for Coty is a dumb shit. He uses Matt's network account at school to log into CR and didn't uncheck the remember me box. Matt got on and it went straight into Coty's account.


Coty = dumb as hell


Matt = doing what any normal person would do

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he didnt log on when i had my account active, i think it was just left as "logged on" from the last time he used that particular computer, i had the fortune to use that computer and access columbusracing only to find that he had never logged off


shouldnt stay logged on ona public computer, you will learn grass hopper :)

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Yeah, it was dumb on my part to have not hit "log off" at school. Hopefully this won't happen again, but they'll probably find another way to get onto my account. They're sneaky fuckers like that.


Anyways, good joke. Now someone delete this thread.

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