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Windows XP on Intel Mac


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Maybe to have both OS on one system.


If it works this way, why couldn't it work the other way (cheap Macs!).



Jesse -- You live with me and you don't know it works? Yes, Mac OS X installs EASILY onto PCs. It works great. And you can dual boot with Windows XP. No problems there. I'll show you on my laptop when you get home.


Chris -- The advantages of running Windows XP on a Intel based Mac are abundant. The new PowerMac coming out is going to be dual Pentium D 3.4GHz. Yeah, that's four 3.4GHz cores on two dies. That's 13.6GHz of processing power. The frontside bus is 1GHz. It can support up to 16Gig of RAM. Why would you want to run Windows on that? Oh I don't know, maybe for once Windows could be half way fast? More importantly, the dual-boot. I know I myself prefer Apple hardware over PCs. Everytime I go into a coffee shop with my PowerBook at least one fooking hot chick asks me what kind of computer it is. Now I'm sorry, but I'm a huge computer dork. When a hot chick comes up to me asking a computer question I get as giddy as a school girl at a N'SYNC concert. You PC/Winblowz computer geeks never have, and never will get that.



So yeah, I'm a Mac guy. I always will be. And being able to run Windows XP on a Mac would kick ass.

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I just got my iMac replaced....free 1.9GHZ G5 for my broken POS Flatpanel 1.25 iMac.....


I don't really see the advantage with intel, other than you cannot run classic on it, oh and the fact that OS x doesn't really let applications run inside the OS (ala Rosetta). Actually I don't see it running any faster either. Basically my desktop footprint got smaller, that seems to be the only advantage.

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Guest fixerupper
Yes, Mac OS X installs EASILY onto PCs. It works great. And you can dual boot with Windows XP. No problems there. I'll show you on my laptop when you get home.


Eh? Never, have I heard that. I'd actually love something like this. Can you point me in the right direction? I love Apple, but in my position right now I just can't justify all the money.

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Eh? Never, have I heard that. I'd actually love something like this. Can you point me in the right direction? I love Apple, but in my position right now I just can't justify all the money.



Just do a search in the newsgroup listings for Mac OS X Intel.

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I just got my iMac replaced....free 1.9GHZ G5 for my broken POS Flatpanel 1.25 iMac.....


I don't really see the advantage with intel, other than you cannot run classic on it, oh and the fact that OS x doesn't really let applications run inside the OS (ala Rosetta). Actually I don't see it running any faster either. Basically my desktop footprint got smaller, that seems to be the only advantage.



Rosetta is just temporary. Companies are currently working on getting OS X apps compiled for Intel. Rosetta lets you run legacy OS X apps. No biggy. But as for a speed difference, you really won't notice much at 1.9GHz. Its the PowerMacs that are coming out which is where you'll see the speed. iMacs are great personal computers, but they're not speed demons. They never have been. The leading edge PowerMacs are always where the speed is for Apple. Like I said above, the Intel PowerMac has the option of dual Pentium D (dual core) 3.4GHz processors.

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Eh... I'm married so having girls comming up to me at coffe shops isn't a priority. I got a 12 inch portable with amd serpron 3000+ so it's as small as one of those small macs but cost half the price. And I don't need uber processing power for what I do so this is plenty for me. ;)
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Macs to me have been my best investment in the PC world and all this happening to Apple makes things better as a stock also. I have OS X and I have not tried to load it so what do I need to do to make the Windows machine boot and load OS X. Thanks
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BTW: Macs have always been PCs, dumbass.


You don't seem to believe that:


Jesse -- You live with me and you don't know it works? Yes, Mac OS X installs EASILY onto PCs. It works great. And you can dual boot with Windows XP. No problems there. I'll show you on my laptop when you get home.


Couldn't resist. Sorry.


Interesting though - how does one go about installing Mac OSX install to a PC? Got any links


The only thing that has really kept me from trying it is I don't want to spend $1000 on another computer. I'd like to give it a try - it has been a few years since I last touched MacOS.

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You don't seem to believe that:




Couldn't resist. Sorry.


Interesting though - how does one go about installing Mac OSX install to a PC? Got any links


The only thing that has really kept me from trying it is I don't want to spend $1000 on another computer. I'd like to give it a try - it has been a few years since I last touched MacOS.



Hahahaha.... I know, I was just being a smart ass because Chris is a cheap bastard asshole.




For those interested:


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Hahahaha.... I know, I was just being a smart ass because Chris is a cheap bastard asshole.




For those interested:




I assume this could be installed to VMWare? Do you happen to have the .img file they are referencing (torrents can be notoriously slow).



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I assume this could be installed to VMWare? Do you happen to have the .img file they are referencing (torrents can be notoriously slow).





Actually, I have one better. Give me a day or two. I have the full DVD that includes everything. I'll just make an image of it. No, it does NOT require VMWARE. You just need to download that image since it's already setup to run on a PC. It makes the install easier. I'll get back with you about this in a bit. You can email me or PM me for more info.

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