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Messageboard for Typhoons/Syclones?

Dr. Pomade

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I used to have a Typhoon. I recently found the stock radio that was in it, and I wanted to see if I could get any money for it. So...


1) Where would I go in cyberspace if I wanted to sell it?


2) What are your thoughts on me getting something out of this?


Thanks in advance. :)

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Yeah, well, someone wanted mine so bad they stole it, got into a high-speed chase with the highway patrol in Jackson County, t-boning some car, rolling the truck, and totaling it. Yeah, and I had it all of like eight months before that happened.


So, another issue. Guys are going beserk over the radio - I've had like six offers already. However, I have no idea what to ask for it. Suggestions?

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If your getting that many hits off of one sight, I would put it on ebay and get thousands of people looking at it. Then post a link to your auction on these other sites. Dont screw yourself, I looked all over trying to get a baseline price for a used radio. I couldn't find anything.
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Yeah, well, someone wanted mine so bad they stole it, got into a high-speed chase with the highway patrol in Jackson County, t-boning some car, rolling the truck, and totaling it. Yeah, and I had it all of like eight months before that happened.


So, another issue. Guys are going beserk over the radio - I've had like six offers already. However, I have no idea what to ask for it. Suggestions?



that must have been a sad day :( They keep getting rarer and rarer

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Yeah, well, someone wanted mine so bad they stole it, got into a high-speed chase with the highway patrol in Jackson County, t-boning some car, rolling the truck, and totaling it. Yeah, and I had it all of like eight months before that happened.


So, another issue. Guys are going beserk over the radio - I've had like six offers already. However, I have no idea what to ask for it. Suggestions?


Are you talking about Jackson county in southern ohio? neighboring ross, and vinton counties?


Sorry to hear about it but my dad lives in Jackson and has his second syclone still...

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Yeah, Jackson County, as in southern Ohio. The story is that the two guys who stole the truck were from Columbus (eastsiders, to be more exact) and were running crack down south. Well, on the way down, they smoked up too much of the goods and needed to replenish the stash. So, somewhere down south (in a county that is adjacent to Jackson County), they robbed a convenience store. The clerk got the tags and called it in. It comes back stolen - so now, these guys are in a stolen Typhoon and they just committed armed robbery. A patrolman spots them, the chase is on, it went for a while (across at least one county and into Jackson County), the police did all the p.i.t. manuevers and shit, the Typhoon crashes about a trillion times, and, then, to add insult to injury, as the officers are yanking them out of the truck, one of the officer's handgun discharges and a bullet goes through the dash and into the fucking engine.


How do I know all this? Well, the Jackson County sheriff's office brought me down for questioning - they considered me a suspect at one time. (They thought I might have loaned the Typhoon to them and was in on the whole crack-running scheme.) That, and my father's is in law enforcement, so they were giving him the inside scoop.


Oh, in the end, both of the dudes that stole the Typhoon were hit up with some heavy charges, including Attempted Murder (which they got them on for them shooting continuously at the cops during the highspeed chase).


BTW, this one cop was being a jackass to me at the station. He was like, "Hey, I thought those Typhoon's were supposed to be fast - shit, they couldn't even pull away from my car, we had them the whole time." And here I am, looking at my completely demolished eight-month old $30K truck, and I'm thinking, "Are you seriously trying to fuck with me right now? Is this cop really trying to talk shit to me about how slow my truck is?"


Anyway, the bids keep coming in on the radio. The highest bid so far is $200.

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Anyway, the bids keep coming in on the radio. The highest bid so far is $200.


Is this radio gold plated? WTF? It's just a regular tape deck stereo right?


Sucks about your truck. I loved those things. I had two buddies in High School with them and we would race all the time. They didn't have much done so anything past about 100mph and it was over.

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