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Anyone do taxes (or know someone)?


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looking to find someone to do some taxes for me. the taxes part isnt whats difficult, as i only need a 1040ez, but it turns out last year, i thought my parents were claiming me, so i claimed 0, and sent off my taxes. little bit after that, my dad informs me he didnt claim me due to my income and age, and when i went back through to see what it would have been had i claimed myself, i would have gotten back an extra 300$ (i think). now, i used turbo tax last year, if turbo tax is able to go back over my previous taxes and make the change, so i can get that extra 300$ or so, ill go that route and do it on TT. ive just been seeing these H/R block and jackson hewitt commercials saying theyll check the old ones, and i figured id see if anyone knows any certified tax accountants on here that can do the same before i go to one of these big corporations.


thanks in advance


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More importantly, not to high-jack your thread, but does anyone know how much places like H&R charge? Cause I'm just not feeling going through the W-2's and doing taxes this year.


I am not exactly sure what the cost is, but I have heard it is like $50-60 for the basic federal form. Any extra forms are like $10-20 extra. So if you want them to do your state, local, school, they charge more per form.


All those companies use there own verson of Turbo Tax, so it is up to you if you want to pay them more than the cost of the software to do the same thing you could do on your own.

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when i filled out my w-4s from 04 (thats the form you fill out when you start the job right?), i claimed 0. maybe its # of deductions, w/e. come to find out, since my parents werent claiming me, i should have claimed 1, for myself. when i did my tax return last year, it asked if anyone could claim me. i put "yes" thinking that my parents were claiming me. maybe ive got the terminology wrong, but i know that when i went back through and did it saying that my parents didnt claim me, it changed how much i would have gotten back.


edit. maybe it has something to do with how much they were withholding from every check and it was more than they should have. im not sure. i know i went back through and i should have gotten back an extra few hundred $

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W-4 is the witholding form and is only a tool for you to use to tell your employer how much they should withhold from you so that at the time of your fileing you either pay or get a refund based on your calculations. The number you put on your w-4 effects the percentage that the employeer withholds not the amount of tax you have to pay for the tax year.


Dependants are a tax deduction that reduces the amount of tax you own the irs for that tax year. You may have already paid this amount through your employers withholdings. You do not get to claim yourself as a dependant. The only time that you will file and someone else to claim you as a dependant is when you are a minior living in the household of the party claiming you. You can also be a dependant if you reported no taxable income for the calendar year and live in the household of another.


For example.

If a married couple have 2 minor children and both parents work, the person filing if they filed joint has 2 dependants.


If a married couple have 2 children and only one of the parents work he has 3 dependants.


If a married couple have one minor child and one that is 19 living at home and is a fulltime student they still have 2 dependants.


Your father quit claiming you becasue he had to. You were no longer a minor at anytime during the tax year. You do not get to claim yourself because you get a standard deduction for filing your own return.


I am married and both of us work. I have 0 dependants. I am not dependant on her nor is she on me. So neither one gets to claim us becasue we either choose to file seperate and take the standard deduction for that or the standard one if we were joint.


You may be entitled to a larger return than what you recieved but if you were it would not be becasue you did not claim yourself. The information you are seeing with getting an extra 300 back is if you had a dependant IE child or non working spouse. There are several other ways to count someone as a dependant such as handicapped adults and so on.

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Okay I think you mean exemptions which are from line 6. You will be able to reduce your tax liability by 3100 last year if you could claim an exemption for yourself. I think it is like line 23 on the EZ form, although I am not sure as I use the 1040 long form. Powers if you are not taking these exemptions on your return you too are losing out on a lot of money that is due to you. I do agree though that dependent is not quite the the right term in this case.
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I have a great guy in german village. Takes him about 5 min and I'm done. He lives by cleveland but comes here everyyear and rebts a small office where he lives for the tax season. Hes pretty cheap also. $35. Gets me damn near 5 figures every year. Not that it isnt my money anyways. But since he lives in the office he will do taxes 24hrs a day.

He does taxes for about 5 of my personal friends. Pm me if anyone wants his info.

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eh, i put the info in turbo tax and it came back that last year, it marked it for me (or i put it in and didnt remember) that my parents werent claiming me and i got the personal exemption (i think it was line 5 or so 1040ez). i filled out the form, and luckily i can see what im getting back before i pay for it and file it, and it came up that i should be getting back around 700$. good enough for me. thats a months rent plus some
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Powers, will you do my taxes? Seriously, I'm not going back to the accountant I've used for the past two years, and I need someone for this year.


Or maybe you can refer me to an accountant?

I can refer you to an absolut profressional. He prepairs corporate returns and personal returns for the wealthy like yourself.


Pm me and I will get you a number.

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I have a great guy in german village. Takes him about 5 min and I'm done. He lives by cleveland but comes here everyyear and rebts a small office where he lives for the tax season. Hes pretty cheap also. $35. Gets me damn near 5 figures every year. Not that it isnt my money anyways. But since he lives in the office he will do taxes 24hrs a day.

He does taxes for about 5 of my personal friends. Pm me if anyone wants his info.

George Ganter has had too many audits done on his returns. I can name 4 people family and clients of mine that have been audited with bad results when their returns were prepared by George.


Anyone can padd the numbers to get you a bigger return. You need to find someone who will stand behind their work.

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Worked for the IRS previously, he knows how the system "works."


Stephen J Kanalas

Federal Income Tax Service

533 South Yearling Road

Whitehall, OH 43213



Tell Him I Sent you. ( NTB Nick) He'll take care fo you.


He's a great guy with a good sense of Humor. Also has a modded CTS-V.

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looking to find someone to do some taxes for me. the taxes part isnt whats difficult, as i only need a 1040ez.



If your taxes are this simple and you not sure of turbo tax, then go to one of the tax services. If taxes are more difficult, own a business, etc., then definitely go to a "professional".

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they were simple. like i said, i was able to go through turbo tax, and when i did the math and filled out the paper sheet, it came to about a 300$ refund, but when i gave turbo tax all my info and did the yes/no questions, came out to around 700$ refund. ill pay the 10$ for the security that ill be getting back a good portion, and if its wrong, point to turbotax
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