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Coshocton sucks.


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Coshocton as all of you know it is not a very big town. There are not alot of sport bikes to ride with as it is. So here is some advice coming from someone who loves to ride and that lives in Coshocton i don't care who i ride with or what kind of bike you ride. It should be about just getting out having fun and staying as safe as possible. So i have heard some Coshocton riders are having some problems with the way something was said. So hear is what i say you so called riders do. If you do love to ride and hang out in this small ass town then how about EVERYONE get together stomp this shit and do what we like to do. Ride, hang out, and meet new riders when we are out. Thats just me. Stop the bitching. Man up meet together talk it over and than go for a ride. I don't need to put names down you guys in Coshocton know whats going on. It makes finding someone to ride with a real bitch if people can't get along. So feel free to comment on this and tell me if I'm wrong. At one time you all did ride together so it can be done again. You might even laugh at what you thought you was pissed about in the first place was just stupid. Hit me up lets ride.

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Who the hell you guys talking about? You guys do realize there is like 15 NICKS on this site! So you're going to have to be much more clearer. We all DO have screen names you can use; don't forget that. ;)

I know it's not me. Now there's only 14 other Nicks left. :dunno:

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nick u can come ride anytime with us cuz ur cool enough to stop and talk, unlike other ppl who see 12 bikes sitting there and just ride by cuz they know what they did was fu*ked up :rolleyes:

if its nine oclock and you just get off work and had no lunch your priorities arent gonna be stop and talk to anyone.

and i did nothin but answer a question when i was talkin to family. if you all think i did anything in a malicious way to get him in trouble :lol: you are way wrong. i could care less. not my problem. but obviously someone thought it was a good idea to try and look out for him.

like i said i never snitched on anyone answering the question "who you been riding with lately?" is def not snitching. but i forgot he has his "facts." but there are the facts. im ok with it like i said i did nothing to go out of my way or intend to get his ass in trouble, feel free to believe differently i dont really care.

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I try to talk to anyone that rides even them Harley guys. I don't care. I think that is the way it should be. We are all out for the same thing. We love to ride if that means cruising, riding fast, or up on one the thing not to forget is we are all out to have a good time with out getting hurt or worse. If you see me out lets ride. Thanks.


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  • 11 months later...
You're Damn Right I Ordered The Code Red!!!!!!!!!
wut? :confused:

Sorry to revive such a "lame" thread, but this made me laugh and I wanted to know what it was about. Its so off the wall.. and seemingly unrelated to this thread. I saw this in the "related threads" section of the Coshocton copters/running from the popo/ZX10s are dee shitz!

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Sorry to revive such a "lame" thread, but this made me laugh and I wanted to know what it was about. Its so off the wall.. and seemingly unrelated to this thread. I saw this in the "related threads" section of the Coshocton copters/running from the popo/ZX10s are dee shitz!

looonnnnggg ssstorrry

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