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New addition to the family


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well i have a new addtion to my family and no its not a kid (thank god) i bought a purebread siberian husky pup today for my girlfriend for her birthday....her name is natasha and she is 8 weeks old.....i was happy and wanted to show others!!!!!!!







and yes she has one blue eye and one brown eye

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Excellent choice. Here is my Husky.









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My g/f has one. He is about 2 and a half if I recall correctly.


Sweet dog towards people. Very hyper. VERY bad around other animals, especially other males. My dog is the sweetest dog ever, and her dog will attack him any chance he gets for no reason (my dog is bigger by 40lbs too, but is pretty old). From what I've gathered, it's a Husky thing, they aren't happy w/ other animals. Her dog is cute and can be fun, but can also be a royal, chews everything up, needy PITA too. They run very quickly too.

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