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Seat Stander Circle Video from yesterday


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Hell yeah, a paved driveway kicks ass!!!

The leg is my fine tuning adjustment for the balance :lol:!!

I wish I did have some 929 wheelie videos, I've just got a few pics, never had anyone with a camera come out when I went riding... I think if I wheelie my 929 much more, my engine will explode! :lol: seriously! my buddy blew his engine on his 07 CBR1000 riding too many wheelies, and I know my bike has already seen more back wheel action than his bike before his engine blew, so I kinda taken it as a warning, lol. I had a 636ninja stunt bike, but I sold it and bought that CRF250X for stunting, I've been resisting the urge on the CBR and just keep'n the stunts on the other bikes so I dont have to buy an engine :)

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time for dinner!
LOL, my mom was visiting, and her and my wife were cooking dinner :lol:
that second vid nick posted.. damn, that was a long distance it seemed like.. thats awesome!

that one was a mile, I recently found a country road that goes 3 miles with no stop signs :) and have been nailing that one :lol:

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I'm going to go try this now. I have a drz250 and it might be able to teach me a thing or 2. I suck at wheelies on it,but i can ride a streetbike for miles and miles on one wheel?????

The drz250 should be a great bike for that stuff, dirtbikes are tougher than streetbikes for stunts, you can flip or drop a dirtbike, and jump back on, with a streetbike your looking at lots of mods and still more expensive to maintain for stunting.

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  12oclocker said:
The drz250 should be a great bike for that stuff, dirtbikes are tougher than streetbikes for stunts, you can flip or drop a dirtbike, and jump back on, with a streetbike your looking at lots of mods and still more expensive to maintain for stunting.

Did you learn the circle on an 80 or your 250?

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sitdown circles I learned on the XR200, seat stander circles I first learned on the XR80. Once you got them on one bike, you'll be able to do them on any bike :) It may just take a few hours to get used to the technique on the other bike. If your gonna get into circles, I would recommend getting fluid on 12oclock wheelies and coasters, and coasting a wheelie to a dead stop. cause on a circle you have to continually go past balance point to control your circle speed. If your gonna do stuff without a handbrake, I would recommend getting fluid on enginebrake control, doing some seat stander wheelies and slowing them to almost a stop by going a little past balance point.

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I stunted my 929rr for two years and it never blew up... Also if you wanna control them better on any of your toys, turn your idle up to about 3 to 4k rpm...makes slipping the clutch easier and also less throttle jocking....

my 929 has a few years of interstate wheelies under its belt, and I can hear a difference in the engine, as well as feel it now, so that why I kinda been laying off punishing it, but yeah I run my idle high on the 400EX (about 3500) it has a handbrake too, but the other bikes I got it really low, cause I need the engine brake for seat stander circles, cause I don't have a handbrake on anything except the 400EX right now.

What are you stunting now??

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I don't... but Ive stunted, R6, 929rr, crf50, 400ex,raptor 660(sucked) and everything else I have ever rode. I go threw phases and right now its sports cars. Ill be getting back into the game here shortly. Owning my own business, owns my fun time...

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  xtremef4i said:
man, you havent stunted till you stunt a Goldwing. I remember one time at band camp when I was pulling off one handed stoppies......

actually funny you mention that...when I used to work at Classic Cycles in Columbus there was a guy that used to bring in his goldwing and the whole bottom back had scrapes from riding wheelies on it.lol

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