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taxes question

Guest mithesaint

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Guest mithesaint
Quick question for the income tax gurus out there. I'm a full time college student, and due to school demands, was unable to have a job this year, not even a summer job. Sooooo...I have no W2. I had no income this year. I lived on government loans. Do I need to file a 1040 anyway? I've filed in the past, but never made more than $7000 a year. My parent's accountant said I don't have to file, but that just doesn't sound right. Thoughts?
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Quick question for the income tax gurus out there. I'm a full time college student, and due to school demands, was unable to have a job this year, not even a summer job. Sooooo...I have no W2. I had no income this year. I lived on government loans. Do I need to file a 1040 anyway? I've filed in the past, but never made more than $7000 a year. My parent's accountant said I don't have to file, but that just doesn't sound right. Thoughts?



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Yeah free money!!! I hope you get a big check, while other hard working individuals bust their ass and work several jobs to pay for college expenses. You're probably majoring in pop culture or something like that, and will receive a steady salary in the form of welfare when you get out of school. Full time students get fucked, I'm only getting $45 bucks for my return because I made too much $$ this year.
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Guest mithesaint

Thanks for all the info guys. I guess I've got some work to do. This shouldn't take too long. Getting some cash would be a nice bonus. I was just hoping not to have the IRS at my door!


Anthony, it will stay civil, but I have to say this first. Hey sweet8tooth......F*$& off. I'm in my eighth year of higher education. I have a BS in biology from John Carroll University, a highly regarded institution in Cleveland, which coincidentally, doesn't even have a pop culture major, unlike BGSU. I'm currently in my fourth year of Veterinary school here at OSU. In a few short months, you'll be obligated to refer to me as Dr. Smith. I beat out 8 other students for my spot here at OSU. 1000 people applied for 135 seats. Not quite simple to get in. I spend at least 60 hours, sometimes more, at school each week. I'm NOT allowed to have an official job. I've done a few little things on the side for a few bucks, but we're not allowed otherwise. Any other intelligent comments, moron?

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