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50/50 child support issue -- needs support


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First off, thx for the responses on the articles i post periodically ...


I am not going to get political on this board as with all others, I like to keep car stuff with the car sites and CS/Divorce stuff with the poli boards BUT, since most of the members on this board are men and many of us have gone through the family court system, here's something that can be done right now ...




simply put check it out, article A330 will enforce 50/50 child custody and places the burden of proof on the parent wanting sole custody .... Feminists groups are in an uproar (that means something that makes sense and is fair is being pushed) ... they are saying that this takes rights and freedoms from the mother and the children ... what a bunch of crap ... it balances out the playing field, reveiling once again their true nature and true intentions. Fair and balanced are not their intentions.


as Rush would say, if it makes them mad, than you are doing something right ;)


I plan on calling and doing all that stuff, if you want to make a call, write a letter, send a fax or email, check that link out ... its a small step, but nothing changes if we all just sit around wishing it to change.


If not, no worries!



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Feminists groups are in an uproar (that means something that makes sense and is fair is being pushed)


well chris, at least we agree on something. good on ya.


for the record, i was raised by my father, and i totally support this. give it a few minutes of your time folks.

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good! I think that men should be allowed to raise the children also... now the question is, if it's 50/50 then is there no longer child support needs?


I would assume that at 50/50 the answer would be no. What is the case right now in shared custody? I'm sure it wouldn't change.


This push only seems like it's trying to move the first choice of the courts being the mother having primary custody to 50/50 custody, and if a parent wants sole/primary the burned of proof on why that is necessary is on them. They don't seem like they want to change anything else, for the time being. Makes sense to me, except for some of the child support rules need to be changed too, but that's probably a fight for another day.

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Qusetion for the legal gurus:

What of the instance where a spose is full time army and is somewhere else? e.g. Korea. From my curent understanding, if the person is overseas, sole custody is given to the parent in the US, and the peson overseas gets the shaft. Is there anything in this that has a provision for such a case? Just hate to see service members get hosed.

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I didn't read any of his Columns pertaining to that, but it seems like he has a few things to say about it. Just looking at the titles of these articles, I don't think you are going to like what they say. Go to columns up at the top right and just scroll through there.
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my g-f has shared custody of her daughter and he still has to pay child support... well is supposed to pay.


Do you know why the court ruled that way? I could see this happening in certain circumstances. For example, the mother didn’t work to take care of the child, forgoing working on a career during this time. But if there isn’t an extraneous, and provable, circumstance like that, I don’t see why there should be a reason why one person should pay the other. I just bet the way the laws are set up, it's just assumed that the guys pays child support, even in shared (full 50/50) custody. Imagine if he were a stay at home dad while they were together and she made very good money. Do you think the courts would have ever awarded him a dime of money to be paid in child support in a 50/50 case or if he got custody. No, I bet that even if she were awarded custody, he would have to pay money.

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I can't really share her specifics on why... but I will say that he's a deadbeat dad and that I'm more of a father to that child than he is. When he does have visitation, she goes over to her g-ma's or if she does get stuck going to her fathers, she's typically home within 2 hours of her getting dropped off.
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Not to get off topic of what was posted directly above, but i this is definitly something everyone should look at.


my brother will be going through this very soon, when he consulted a lawyer he pretty much said unless she's a coke head, alcoholic, prosititute or all of the above, he will never get full custody. sad really.

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I can't really share her specifics on why... but I will say that he's a deadbeat dad and that I'm more of a father to that child than he is. When he does have visitation, she goes over to her g-ma's or if she does get stuck going to her fathers, she's typically home within 2 hours of her getting dropped off.


Yeah, I wasn't trying to say anything about the specific situation. I obviously know nothing about it. I was just speaking in general terms using that as a basis to go off of.

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good! I think that men should be allowed to raise the children also... now the question is, if it's 50/50 then is there no longer child support needs?


Yes we should be , but we get screwed in most cases. Even if you do manage to get 50/50, child support stays close to what it normally is unless "mom" makes as much or more than "dad".

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^^ kinda right, but remove MOM and DAD and use the terms CUSTODIAL and NONCUSTODIAL parents ... an good idea when you want to screw one side and benefit the other ...


About the ARMY and WAR ... yes, soldiers are coming home, which making much less at war then when at home, their child support gets backed up and are arrested upon stepping off the plane ... its true, if you want i can link you to dozens of articles about it ...


so there you are scratching your head going, how is this possible?


Ive been researching this for over a year steady now and I cant answer that question accurately, but i will try soon enough!

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Not to get off topic of what was posted directly above, but i this is definitly something everyone should look at.


my brother will be going through this very soon, when he consulted a lawyer he pretty much said unless she's a coke head, alcoholic, prosititute or all of the above, he will never get full custody. sad really.

.... decided I don't want this info posted across a public message board... please respect that.

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^^^ Spread information across the internet and to other men ... become educated and whenever you hear an uneducated response, respond back accordingly.


And then you can protest, write letters, make phone calls, but the easiest and the first way is to educate yourself on the facts and go from there.

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