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Myspace Wtf?


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Alright I guess I might not live in the 21st century and all, but WTF is up with this MYSPACE shit?? Am I missing this invention that puts the TV remote control to shame? Is it Mecca for those online? I just noticed that everyone seems to be on this myspace shit and all it looks like to me is free webspace to put a picture on and try to mack on internet hoes. Am I right or wrong here?

PS-(I'm back St.Patty's day)

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Facebook is far greater than Myspace.. and what pisses me off is I can't register for facebook either.. DeVry is teh Gay.


Sign up like your going to register for Columbus State, they'll give you a temporary e-mail, then use that. Just don't register for classes. I just wanted on facebook, it says you go to CSCC but w/e.


Watch this video with Demetri Martin. Click on the Social Networking, it's pretty true and funny as hell. It's either social networking or emo rock.

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Myspace is for attention deprived people




I do have a basic account, so I can check out music.


There are some with stupid, personalized graphics, that could bog down a Google server like it was 56k. And half of those custom pages have red text, with some crazy mixed color background, so you can't even read half the shit they write...and I so want to read their witty blog:gay:


Simply put: It's mostly for people who need to feel more important/popular than they actually are; just like most Internet forums.





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Watch this video with Demetri Martin. Click on the Social Networking, it's pretty true and funny as hell. It's either social networking or emo rock.


I remember that clip, it is hilarious. Demetri is a damn funny comic.


I don't have a myspace account and nothing in the world could convince me to create one. I hope the fad dies soon (though it probably won't).

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I'm not on Myspace either. I personally would feel like a desperate loser if I joined. Trying to mack on girls on that site seems very......gay. Though, there are some hot girls on there...:)


Who said anything about macking on girls there? I use it as a way to keep in touch with old friends :)


Chris, it was a joke. Remember when that crazy bitch slashed my tires??


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Guest chpmnsws6
Who said anything about macking on girls there? I use it as a way to keep in touch with old friends :)


Exactly! Nothing else you can to on that site.... Most the people are still in High School

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myspace is great, it gives me something else to do. And I've talked to many ppl I haven't seen in years




I was once too elitist for myspace too. I begrudgingly signed up and reconnected with some old highschool friends. fine. It wasnt until I connected to of my oh so similar friends in NYC on the first date of the rest of their lives that I became a believer in the power of myspace.


MySpace saves lives.

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