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What do u think about Cameras at Intesections


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What do u think? Explain............Well, for me i hate the idea of putting it up but i also see SO SO SO many people run red lights, and it pisses me off because they hold up traffic when the other part of the intersection is green and u have to wait for the person running the light. Also, for our safety. I have a bike and i wanna be safer coming into intersections. However, this also might be a bad idea? 1) We are approaching an intersection and it turns yellow so we jam our brakes so we dont run the light and get a ticket and chance the person rear ending us? IDK.....What do u think of this?
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you have the exact bike i want, is it the black one?


BOT ... cameras are money generators ... they only use the word safety and find reasons HOW they can be safe to make the $26 million to install them justified ... that money could be spent on better things. Lets be honest, if you want to make the roads safe, get rid of all the cars. period. THere is always going to be a risk factor and even though we find ways to bring it down, the roads are VERY safe as they are now that to spend millions, ticket ppl more, etc really wont dent it anymore than it already is.


Want to make the roads safe, have a driving test thats actually a challenge. And have height requirements for bigger vehicles. and Yes as you have to have the M endorsement to ride a bike, you should get the SUV endorsement to drive one of those things ...


And even though most women are the worst drivers, they ALL arent so bad, so just up the difficulty on the test, require parallel parking, etc ...


my $.02

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Parallel parking should be a requirement. That cone bullshit is completely insufficient. I could do that shit with my eyes closed.


The cameras are bullshit. If you wanna catch me running a red light, put a cop there. I'll probably come to a screeching halt and someone will rearend me. Above all other traffic laws (pretty much) it is your duty as the driver of a vehicle not to obstruct the flow of traffic and to make everyone on the road as safe as possible. If everyone on Morse Rd. is doing 95 and the speed limit is 45, I'm gonna fucking do 95 because I don't want a Cadillac to turn me into chum. The thing I hate most is (yeah, there was a thread on this already...screw yourself if it pisses you off) when someone is doing 55 in the middle or left lane while people all around are going 75 or 80. There are laws in New Jersey and Pennsylvania (I think, maybe other places...correct me on this) that prohibit people from not passing in the left lane.

Most traffic theory, especially speed limits, are based on the 85th percentile rule. That is, that the 85th percentile of drivers with one standard deviation above or below will determine the speed set for a road. This gives the idea why cops generally won't pull you over for doing 71 in a 65, but will more likely if you're doing 75 in a 65.

A lot of speed limits and traffic laws are decades old and don't accound for newer technology and extreme handling and braking advances. For instance, the average stopping distance of a car has lessened dramatically in late years. What we have problems with now are people doing stupid things in cars. In my opinion, driving while talking on a cell phone should be illegal in every state. I can't tell you how many times I've almost been hit, or seen near accidents happen while someone is talkin on their phone, eating a burger, reading the newspaper, or ever some dumb bitch painting her fingernails. We need more legislation that'll restrict drivers inside the car rather than what people necessarily do with the car.

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Parallel parking should be a requirement. That cone bullshit is completely insufficient. I could do that shit with my eyes closed.


The cameras are bullshit. If you wanna catch me running a red light, put a cop there. I'll probably come to a screeching halt and someone will rearend me. Above all other traffic laws (pretty much) it is your duty as the driver of a vehicle not to obstruct the flow of traffic and to make everyone on the road as safe as possible. If everyone on Morse Rd. is doing 95 and the speed limit is 45, I'm gonna fucking do 95 because I don't want a Cadillac to turn me into chum. The thing I hate most is (yeah, there was a thread on this already...screw yourself if it pisses you off) when someone is doing 55 in the middle or left lane while people all around are going 75 or 80. There are laws in New Jersey and Pennsylvania (I think, maybe other places...correct me on this) that prohibit people from not passing in the left lane.

Most traffic theory, especially speed limits, are based on the 85th percentile rule. That is, that the 85th percentile of drivers with one standard deviation above or below will determine the speed set for a road. This gives the idea why cops generally won't pull you over for doing 71 in a 65, but will more likely if you're doing 75 in a 65.

A lot of speed limits and traffic laws are decades old and don't accound for newer technology and extreme handling and braking advances. For instance, the average stopping distance of a car has lessened dramatically in late years. What we have problems with now are people doing stupid things in cars. In my opinion, driving while talking on a cell phone should be illegal in every state. I can't tell you how many times I've almost been hit, or seen near accidents happen while someone is talkin on their phone, eating a burger, reading the newspaper, or ever some dumb bitch painting her fingernails. We need more legislation that'll restrict drivers inside the car rather than what people necessarily do with the car.


Careful, you just reasoned out your own argument. Newer technology and advances in safety will not make a difference to the uninformed driver. AWD doesn't help you brake in snow, and talking on the cell phone instead of paying attention to the road will in most instances not yield in favorable traction control results. ABS can't help if you don't press the pedal because you're preoccupied changing a CD. You also forgot to mention that although many technological advances can help in the way of automobile safety overall, the other advances (cell phones, wireless broadband, DVD entertainment, children with projectile launching toys) impact the safety negatively. Now if someone could think of an equation to figure out which outweighs which. Good point overall though!

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Guest FooFooMaru
Parallel parking should be a requirement. That cone bullshit is completely insufficient. I could do that shit with my eyes closed.




Isn't that cone stuff basically parallel parking? You're going forward, backing up while turning.......nearly the same? But Yeah I think they should make it more LIKE parallel parking with like designated space and shat.


The cameras? Meh, Just seems like too much money spent on that when it doesn't seem like many tickets have been given. Has anyone here gotten any from that? Yellow lights are scary just because some people might brake, and some might speed up and that could be bad just on judgement of others.



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