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My truck is gone and...


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was replaced with this.






:( :( :( :( :(


It was bought out of need not desire... for a van it drives nice ans all the power options that we need and will hauls kids just fine. yay... There is one up side to this thou... I don't have to drive it, its the wifes ride. So I get her ride which is fine for me.






car is nice for a dd just need to lower it a bit and tint the windows.


Things that I have learned since owning the van are


you can never use the the words cool, fun, awsome, exciting, happy, and minivan in the same sentence (its actually against the law...hmmm)


minivan can out run pos hondas from a dig (was quiet funny actually since it only had day old temp tags)


thier is no way possible of looking good of stepping out of a minivan. EVER!!!!


once you buy one you will most likely always have one :(


yes a little part of me died the day we signed the papers but is was a must need.

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I got a Sienna LE for the wife.I agree about once you have a mini-van it's hard to live without one especially with 3 kids like I have.My wife is totally against doing anything to it,I just wanted to lower it a bit and do a little wheel upgrade but she said no way.Try hauling 3 kids around in a 5.0 notchback or your 13 yr old son and his 3 friends,all 5'8" to 6'1".
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being the coolest minivan driver is like being the fastest guy to the ground without a parachute. yay for you, but your life is still over.



na... once I get rid of the mazda I will be getting a scooby of some kind Legacy or WRX by that time they will be enough to set in a basic/upright car seat.

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seriously though, have to give you props for doing the right thing in terms of your family. youve got your priorities straight, and thats commendable.



as an aside, tell your neighborhood association to get some fucking trees. i see lots of sunburns in your future.

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