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The Puke thread!


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Eric offered to drive me home, in his new Honda Fit (stickshift), and I accepted. Unfortunately I'm one of those people who get car sick in manual vehicles... well, I think you know the rest of the story.


thats funny and it reminded me of one of my many drunk stories..

my lastest was i was at a friends house party and my bf came to pick me up. him and my friend carried me out to his car, which is stickshift!! we're goin down the road and im almost passed out! i told him to "stop shifting, it hurts!!" lmao.. he said he had to, to get me home. i told him to stop and just pull over on the side of the road and let me sleep.lol. next thing i know he's pulling over and i made it in time! only got a lil on the foot step of the door. lol.. damn! that was a night.. and it wasnt fun walkin up my stairs. the sad thing is i all drank was beer... but alot.lol we was playin beer pong.

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