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Forum Rider Down....


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Well today a couple of us decided to head down RT60 toward Zanesville. In the group were myself, shittygsxr, Inyazz, his god brother, and another rider. They destroyed every corner they came into contact with and their pace was pretty good. I ride as hard as I like and don't worry about trying to hang with the faster guys thusly I was pulling up the rear. In any case we made it to Zanes and stopped for some Chipotle, holy shit it was good. I've never been there. Any way we started heading back less Shitty as he went back to C-bus.

It was sometime after 2:00pm if I remember right we were only on the road for maybe 15 minutes. The fast guys were out running hard and I was pulling up the rear when they went over a hill and disappeared. As I crested the hill there was a pretty sharp left hander and I start breaking as I see a guy running from his house (just before the corner) toward the corner. I though to myself, "Fuck, this CANNOT be good." Sure enough I start around the corner and see one 2006 black ZX10 pretty fucked up lying by a big ass tree and on the other side of that was Inyazz. There happened to be a house right on the outside of the turn and he was lying close to their driveway. I pulled in and he's sitting propped up on his left elbow. He's looking at his leg which was looking a little fucked up. In all it was his only visible injury, and he was very calm and even laughing about the fuck up he just made. He was like "Hey, take some pictures! Take some pictures!" Crazy bastard. Within oh...10 minutes if that all the usual crews were on scene. EMT walked up, looked at his leg and asked if he was hurting anywhere else to which he replied "Nope, just the leg." The EMT looked at the scene and turn to tell his partner to call and "get the bird ready." So Inya got to get a friggin' helicopter ride!! Lucky fucker!! They packed him into their truck and took him to Coshocton Hospital then flighted him out to Akron General.

I didn't see what had happened but from what he said he got into the corner maybe a little hot/wide and his first instinct was to hit the brakes which stood him up 1/3 through the corner but not completely finished and off the road he went. He couldn't have traveled more than maybe 50 feet I'd guess maybe less. It looked A LOT worse than it was, but I'm glad he was calm, conscious, and in good health given what had just happened sans the leg.

I was more concerned about him than taking pictures of his now gimp ass. I'll try to get the pics from one of the other guys and get them posted. I remember at one point he's lying there and he was like, "Shit! Where's my iPod!?!?" Dumbass....I looked through the carnage and found it for him so he'll be at ease this evening at the hospital.

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Feel better dude. Good thing there was room to crash and no traffic. Blind hill crests are scary shit when you don't know what to expect.

I should be a little clearer here, once we crested the hill it decended and at the bottom was the sharpish left hander. But yes, they are scary as shit and I was just easing around blind corners and over the those hills.

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good to here it wasn't any worse than it was...tell him to get well soon.

theres just something about coshocton county and people dropping like flies...wait my wreck was in guernsey county...close enough.

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