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Upside Down American Flag at California School?


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The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. I am sure you can see the irony. The folks that think they are showing disrespect for the flag are actually signaling to everyone that the US is in trouble.


This is exactly what I was thinking when I read the article.

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go figure, they are protesting against the people that are paying for their PUBLIC school education.


deport them... if they think Mexico is so great, send them packing... this is America... the mexican flag shouldn't have even been flying, let alone ABOVE an american flag...

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This article is proof that these people dont want to be American citizens, they just want to be given something and dont hold any loyalty to the people supplying the money and just because there is a case here and a case there of one of them actually doing something great like serving in the military, creating jobs, helping people out, something credible doesnt mean the rest of them are so great.


I think they make lousy AMericans.


im puking in my mouth ....

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Michelle Malkin is a dumb slut, but I fucking hate this shit. Carlos Mencia pointed this out: you're not going to prove that Mexicans should be allowed to come to America by showing how much better Mexico is than America. If you want the legal voting community to allow your cultural bretheren in, show the people that you support our cause, not only your own. Don't show hatred towards the people you want to help you. If this was a white Nordic group of kids that pulled this stunt, you know they'd all be on trial right now.
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+1 for hung for treason. I like the firing squad idea also.

I dont suppose we can we check thier birth certificates without the NAACP or ACLU getting all bent out of shape.


I was thinking the exact same thing about treason. That has to be breaking some kind of law. That flag is the only reason why they are allowed to be here. The American flag represents freedom from oppression and by flying it upside down and below the Mexican flag they are thanks but fuck you.


I guess it could only happen in California and nothing be done about it.

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I just want to see this stuff reported on by a "mainstream" source. The American media is GUTLESS! Why are are the politicians and media so afraid of these people? If they can't vote in elections, why are they pandered to??


These people just be happy that we TOLERATE them being here! There lives, as much as they think they suck right now in the states, would be completely worthless in Mexico!

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im usualy pretty tolerant, but im am SOOOOOOO close, to just start wasting mother fuckers with EXTREME prejudice. Its one thing for people to rally against the government for equal rights... its another for people to rally against the government for not giving you enough of a free ride.
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the more i see of this stuff, the more i feel a burning desire to be quite racist but I know that that just isnt the right way to go about this issue. I feel your frustrations on this and I think the bottom line is the VERY first word of every headline, and to me, it stops right there at that is : ILLEGAL immigration protests ... ILLEGAL immigration reform .... ILLEGAL immigrants do the work we dont want to do ... ILLEGAL immigrants ... ILLEGAL ... ILLEGAL ... ILLEGAL ...


if we need workers to do crappy jobs ... well, lets give our citizens a chance to do those jobs and if there is a shortage ... than we can allow some ppl in to do those jobs, but thats after every ILLEGAL has been deported and every CITIZEN given a chance to do those jobs and let the market balance itself out ... if there is a need, ill consider it BUT i doubt there will be a need as the MARKET will fix itself ... Adam Smith for the win!

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Illegal Immigrants doing the work we don't want to do. You know America has a pretty bad poor/homeless problem too, I am sure they would do the work these people do. 2 birds, 1 stone.


I can't believe anyone would even consider caring what rights ILLEGAL immigrants have. I never knew you had rights breaking the law. Shit like this makes me sick, I serve this country to protect the people in it, but to disgrace OUR flag (poor attempt at it at that) OUR symbol of freedom, OUR symbol of the people who died to make this country what it is, OUR symbol!! That is beyond rude and shows the true intentions of these people. They are not here to get better lives, they are here to RAPE our country and do not care about it one bit! Illegals are just that illegal, so get them the fuck outta OUR country!

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Michelle Malkin is a dumb slut, but I fucking hate this shit. Carlos Mencia pointed this out: you're not going to prove that Mexicans should be allowed to come to America by showing how much better Mexico is than America. If you want the legal voting community to allow your cultural bretheren in, show the people that you support our cause, not only your own. Don't show hatred towards the people you want to help you. If this was a white Nordic group of kids that pulled this stunt, you know they'd all be on trial right now.


Even though Mencia did it as a joke its damn true. You want to prove to the government that you want to be allowed to live here so you hang their flag upside down?


This is retarded, usually I am pretty tolerant about them but after living in mexico for 3 years and all this bullshit going on now i'm pretty fed up with their antics. The are acting fucking retarded while the whole world is looking on them.

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can i venture an EXTREME idea, as its extreme compared to the mainstream opinion, but as we depart illegals, we should deport their families as well that even though born on american soil, they should never of been here in the first place, they were born here illegally and in my mind makes them illegal as well, so deport the illegals and the illegitimate kids etc.


I know its an extreme thought but i dont really see how it is wrong, all things held constant, under just this one point of view, it is right, all other things held constant. Bring other factors into the equation and its not this simple though it feels REAL good saying it.

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I was on the BART system not long ago and noticed a advertisement for a radio station called "La Raza" which touted that it played "our music for our people." It is yet another sign of the chicano separatist movement. Imagine a radio station entitled "The Race: White Music For White People." It highlights something you have long pointed out, that there is a glaring double standard in the way different ethnicities are treated. White pride is a taboo while multiculturalists everywhere applaud the black power and chicano power movements as noble advocates for social justice.


so true

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I was on the BART system not long ago and noticed a advertisement for a radio station called "La Raza" which touted that it played "our music for our people." It is yet another sign of the chicano separatist movement. Imagine a radio station entitled "The Race: White Music For White People." It highlights something you have long pointed out, that there is a glaring double standard in the way different ethnicities are treated. White pride is a taboo while multiculturalists everywhere applaud the black power and chicano power movements as noble advocates for social justice.


so right and the sad part is this issue goes even further and deeper than this ... so sad, but you can thank really selfish and stupid people for this one.

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