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Has your father tried to go through the VA? there are a host of programs that can help.

I think it is dispicable the way soldiers where treated when they returned from nam. The goverment dropped the ball (wasnt a popular war, cant expext a politician motivated by the popular vote to stick his neck out and help people), also, the media did a bang up job of beating on the returning veterans.

Since that time, there have been many improvements in the VA, and they are taking catre of the soldiers much better. I have been to a few conferances for returning veterans, seen some of the things that have changed, and it is getting better.

As far as losing a friend in combat, it does affect you. No denying that. The nightmares never really end, but at least are a little less frequent after time.

If you ever want to talk about what the VA can do for him, see if there are some avenues that he was not aware of, feel free to PM me.

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All I'm going to say:


Yes, it was up to par. Besides, Andrew knows I love'm. It's one of the primary reasonsI question the war. He signed up to fight for us, the least we can do is fight for him.

Thanks, you made me feel all warm and fuzzy :p

"That reason: The only thing needed for evil to prosper is for good men to stand by and do nothing."

It's not the only thing. It also helps when they convince good men to fight for them. The top positions in this government are just as corrupt, if not more. The origional post here was just to point out one bit of eveidence. Your devotion to the commander and cheif is admirable, evidence that you're a good soldier. But I also know you're a smart lad, and I'm suprised that you dont even aknowlege the question. 'Bout time you started posting your side, this was getting frustrating. :)

All in good fun, just the internet :D

As far as the leaders we have, yes they are making a retarded amount of money. Coruption abounds. Problem with anything big, gona be a few bad apples. I dont agree with everthing my Comander says, just seems to be better than any other option that has presented itself. At least they are doing something produtive to earn it,(our country cant be to bad if we have that many people hopping the border on a daily basis) not just running a dictatorship and keeping the country poor.

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If you owned 100 common shares of halliburton stock in summer of 2000 ($2100ish), it would be worth about $5400 now. If you owned Dick Cheneys 689,000 shares*, ($21 fixed price, gotta love options), you would have made $43,407,000 pure profit in 6 years. Wonder why their stock shot up so high over such a short period of time? :o


*(He had 1,349,000, but sold 660,000 as a show of good faith when campaigning. The SEC filing showed that Cheney exercised options for 300,000 shares on Aug. 21 for $21 a share. He sold the stock the same day for $52.28 a share.. Wouldn't want a conflict of intrest, now, would we?)




Ask yourself how many other people in power in this country own shares in companies that have been making billions off of knocking down and rebuilding Iraq?



I guess I am going to have to be Devil's Advocate and tell you that you shouldn't try to make an argument about things that you don't understand....


When you buy an option, it always has a maturity date, that date is always the 3rd friday of the month of expiration. On this date you either sell the option to give someone the right to buy 1 contract (100 shares) or you exercise the option (you buy those shares for the exercise price on the option) Anytime you own an option, you always have the right to exercise it. An option is also priced at a lower price than than the actual stock and is priced using intrinsic and time value, meaning that the difference between the exercise price and the current stock price, plus a time value (the maturity of the stock) I don't feel like running a whole pricing model right now (I'm too tired to run a black scholes model) but if you bought a 2 year june leap option on Halliburten with an exercise price of $21 with the current price of $78.4 for about $65ish a share (remember, you buy options in contracts, meaning, 100 shares)...

What does all that mean?? It means that his options were NOTHING special other than being deeply in the money and having a steep cost to buy options that deeply in the money. Why does it even have to be brought up what the option exercise price was? You could've bought leap options on Microsoft when their stock was low and made a killing after exercising the option and selling it off...

You know what would've been more shady? If he had put options and then made money off of that! I'll let you look that one up yourself.


oh and

Cheney has financial interests in Halliburton through 433,333 stock options worth about $8 million. They are part of a Gift Trust Agreement pursuant to which an Administrative Agent has the right to exercise those options and distribute the proceeds from the sale of the resulting stock to certain charitable organizations.[23] Who that administrative agent is has not been disclosed. All proceeds of the options will be split between the George Washington University Medical Faculty Associates, Inc. for the benefit of the Cardiothoracic Institute, the University of Wyoming for the benefit of the University of Wyoming Foundation, and Capital Partners for Education for the benefit of low-income high school students in the Washington, D.C. area.


Cheney resigned as CEO of Halliburton on July 25, 2000, and put all of his corporate shares into a blind trust. As part of his deferred compensation agreements with Halliburton contractually arranged prior to Cheney becoming Vice President, Cheney's public financial disclosure sheets filed with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics showed he received $162,392 in 2002 and $205,298 in 2001. Upon his nomination as a Vice Presidential candidate, Cheney purchased an annuity that would guarantee his deferred payments regardless of the company's performance. He argued that this step removed any conflict of interest. Cheney's net worth, estimated to be between $30 million and $100 million, is largely derived from his post at Halliburton.



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Hey I did not vote for this jackass.


I got to say its fucked up when your country's leaders own the companys they are paying abserd prices too. Just to rebuild a country we attacked .


ok he tried to kill my dad is a great reason to kill 1000's of innocenty people. There was no wepons of mass destruction there was no fucking alqadi link


This war is unjust and i do not diss the soilders for being there i respect every soilder. But i disrespect is the goverment which sent them there.


These soilders did not sign up to fight a unjust war.

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Source? I'd like to think the Securities and Exchange Commision has their shit together.


Yes, I know what I'm talking about, I knew how options work, I posted it int he simplest way possible. The point being that, no matter how/when he got his options, they are worth much more now then they would have been had we not gon to war. If you think he's giving it all to charity, you're very very mistaken.


Dick Cheney's net worth has skyrocketed as a direct result of the war in Iraq. i have yet to research what other holdings he's got, this is just one.

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Hey I did not vote for this jackass.


I got to say its fucked up when your country's leaders own the companys they are paying abserd prices too. Just to rebuild a country we attacked .


ok he tried to kill my dad is a great reason to kill 1000's of innocenty people. There was no wepons of mass destruction there was no fucking alqadi link


This war is unjust and i do not diss the soilders for being there i respect every soilder. But i disrespect is the goverment which sent them there.


These soilders did not sign up to fight a unjust war.


wow i don't think the average IQ of this thread could drop so much by one singular post than this one

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umm you quoted anewspaper. What was there source? As we know from the Dispatch, you dont need to report facts to print stuff. ;)


though, I must say I'm not at all suprised that he curt a check to George Washington University's Cardiothoracic Institute. He's probably planning on spending alot more time there. :p


Interesting fact though, the Gores donations vs the Cheneys. The same year the Gores gave $353 to charity, they reported $197,729 in adjusted gross income. According to income tax information released by the White House on, the Cheneys' adjusted gross income in 2005 was $8,819,006, and they donated $6,869,655, leaving them $1,949,351......you cant argue the vast difference in precentages, but how the fuck did he make 44 times more the Gore? They've both got the same job.


The initial point of the thread isn't refuted by this info, its vindicated. He's a rich motherfucker making ALOT more money then anyone in his job ever has. I would love to know how....hmm, Oh yeah, excersising his stock options in companies that have made a fuckton off the war. Imaging the PR nightmare if he didn't give up a shitpot of money. What's he care, he's got lots more options left, and still keeps twice what his boss made, and 8-9 times what his predesessors made.


I agree with Adam, this thread is pretty much a stuck pig. I'm starting less charged current event's-type thread, less politicaly charged.

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