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Trails teh Sux \ new time


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Danks. I hope to catch you :) wonder how close buck is.. I did get to take some subaraus. It was awesome but i seen some awesome ones going 11's and shit. The track rental was fun. then staying for blitz nights was fun.
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Sucks they had to shut the track down for nearly two hours to clean up a diff problem.


I'm still a full second faster ;).


Good job man. Drop those 60's to a 2.0x and you'd be in the 13's easy.

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Yeah, I heard the track was closed for awhile. Something to do with a tranny fluid clean-up on a SSEi, something to do with a grenaded Gen III Diff from one of the local 3800 Series businesses..... 2nd one in a week?


New best for Firebird Jr. 15.71 @ 87.9, 2.3 60'. Now my clutch is slipping :D

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Sucks they had to shut the track down for nearly two hours to clean up a diff problem.


I'm still a full second faster ;).


Good job man. Drop those 60's to a 2.0x and you'd be in the 13's easy.


It was a really intense problem.

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Guest 78novaman
There seems to be something up with the track at the starting line. My guess is there is water getting up there from everyone rolling though the water box. I know I have had a hell of a time trying to avoid driving through it when I didn't need to. They just spray water EVERYWHERE, and is likely the culprit.
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So your the guy that kept coming up trying to get your slip at the line, and holding others up?



Yep... that's him.....


Dude... don't be such a tool. Everyone was really cool at the track day...

Why'd you have to be such a PITA whiny bitch about everything...?


I did get to take some subaraus. It was awesome but i seen some awesome ones going 11's and shit.


Oh... and you weren't even CLOSE to my Subaru. :rolleyes:

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Yep... that's him.....


Dude... don't be such a tool. Everyone was really cool at the track day...

Why'd you have to be such a PITA whiny bitch about everything...?




Oh... and you weren't even CLOSE to my Subaru. :rolleyes:


Also I was hotlapping the track so. I don't know how i was holding you up.




BTW Maro must be all of us in this thread are fucking tools. Everyone has the exact same complaint BTW. I have video of me beating the YELLOW WRX. I never claimed that i stomped on you.




Ya know I went up and talked to the tower because of the insults that were made about you to anthony at the entrance. I don't rember bitching about anything cept traction also I tried to get my timeslip only twice If i remeber right. They were talking to me about me and my parents racing against each other . I also made complaint and tried to pay for some VHT.


Sorry for wanting to have a sticker track.


Also sorry for having to balls to open my mouth when something anit right. ( you being kicked out when we supposed to be in free)

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Are you the white monte w/ dark tint? Ha ha. If so, I knew I had no chance when I heard that whine.


Track was fun. I thought I saw a couple of the people here but wasn't sure. A lot of people left while they were cleaning up the track, but the timeslips were all fubared for that first run afterwards.

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Are you the white monte w/ dark tint? Ha ha. If so, I knew I had no chance when I heard that whine.


Track was fun. I thought I saw a couple of the people here but wasn't sure. A lot of people left while they were cleaning up the track, but the timeslips were all fubared for that first run afterwards.



Silver But yeah. Did i tangle with you on the way home. 70?

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Also I was hotlapping the track so. I don't know how i was holding you up.


BTW Maro must be all of us in this thread are fucking tools. Everyone has the exact same complaint BTW. I have video of me beating the YELLOW WRX. I never claimed that i stomped on you.


Ya know I went up and talked to the tower because of the insults that were made about you to anthony at the entrance. I don't rember bitching about anything cept traction also I tried to get my timeslip only twice If i remeber right. They were talking to me about me and my parents racing against each other . I also made complaint and tried to pay for some VHT.


Sorry for wanting to have a sticker track.


Also sorry for having to balls to open my mouth when something anit right. ( you being kicked out when we supposed to be in free)


1.) Dude... I was at the line when you were crying for your timeslips. We told you 3 seperate times that you needed to get out of your car and come get them... or wait until later. Sitting on the line with your hand out is ridiculous! And.... yeah.. you were pissing off the starter and the woman handling the timeslips.


2.) The yellow WRX runs low 13's. The best time on Friday was a 13.2x .... no kidding. You beat it when the person driving wasn't the owner.... and they were just making an easy pass. That car is NOT stock. I just took offense to your comment about "taking some Subarus". Many of the Subaru people there were drag racing for the first time....


3.) Evidently... you don't know who I am. I don't know what the hell you are talking about. I never even saw Anthony until I was leaving that night. I was talking to the woman at the ticket window about our contract covering the entry for Blitz night. Then I said Hi to Anthony and left. AFAIK, there were never any "insults made about me" from anyone. I think you have the wrong guy.....



All I can tell you is that out of all the people there... you were the only one who kept rubbing people the wrong way. Maybe you were having a bad day or something... I dunno. But the fact is that you irritated a few people... including me. Take it for what it's worth...

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I do apolgize for being somewhat pissy . I was having quite a bad day. I have really bad back problems. and all the walking was starting to hurt so yeah. But 3 times maybe wont lie i dont rember shit well :) but the subby was not the only one i took one later that day. I was in the red charger. Call anthony about the comments. I don't know you i was just pissed that someone from CR was talked shit about.


Per Anthony to me.


I was coming in i saw maro then i got up to the booth and the guy said that something or another (Again shitty memory :\) about you trying to sneak in and that he should charger you sorry ass double or somethingor another then they did something similar to me.

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Steve, Bill is right. After you left the gate, the guy you were talking to was running his mouth calling you shit and saying how he'll charge you double next time and he don't need your business, etc.


He didn't realize I knew you when he was telling this to the female attendant.

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Wow... I didn't know that. I apologize Thorne for thinking you were on crack.


Lol... he can talk shit all he wants.. but the track manager was the one who told me to say something to them.

He can kiss my ass :lol:


Our contract stated that our group would have free addmitance to Blitz night. Them double charging anyone from our group is a breach of contract.


I'll let the deputies handle this... since they actually did the deal. They had already left when they Nextel'd me and told me about the issue. I was just trying to help them and the guy in the Mustang.

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