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lady got f-ed up


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Last weekend I went to Toledo for my niece's dedication, after which I decided to hang out w/ my brother for a while before driving back to columbus. I'd never been there before so I asked him to show me the city, which was boring and tiny. We ended up in a "bad area" with construction going on and got stuck behind a police car. >>>The cops were up on the sidewalk surrounded by about 15 people that were all going crazy. Both officers on the scene were trying to calm everyone down. One lady got out of hand and the female officer pulled out a taser and shot one the unruly lady in the chest w/ it. Her arms shot up in the air and she started screaming as she fell on the ground and started shaking, then she was arrested and hauled off.... MOST AMAZING THING I'VE EVER SEEN!


(sorry for the long story)

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