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they got the fucker

old dirty bastard

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the general use 500 pound bomb. when you absolutely, positively have to kill every mutherfucker in the house, except no substitute.


Not just 1, but 2 500 pound bombs.


I glad to hear they got him. I just wish he was beheaded by a female U.S. soldier with a knife that was dipped in pigs blood just before it was put to his neck. I know I am sick at times.

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Can we burry him nex to a pig? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeez?


Beter idea.

Ham hat.

Bacon shirt.

Sausage belt.

Baby back rib shorts.

Pig foot shoes.

No, that would be too delicious!! Burry him with Hot dogs.


Unfortunately, he of little good to anyone dead. Hes a news blurb, a politcal "he look what we did", but this will soon fizzle out. Unfortunately, apart from being "the face of terror" in Iraq, he realy only controlled about 20% of the insurgency, if that. Not to say they didn't like him. Look forward to reprisals and an ugly power struggle within the ranks of his clique. His minions will likely dispand and be absorbed by other organizations. We may see less sectarian violence, since that was his specialty, but the insurgency will go on, it might actualy become more organized.

He good dead, but he'd have been a better prisoner.

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They're gonna fall like dominoes, as soon as one goes the rest will. They'll be crackin and squealin to us about them and all their buddies.The idiots believe him to be an Imam to them and a leader. He ain't shit honestly, there's bigger people here to worry about. Al Qaeda is a huge focus in the news, but there's a few more people that come and play in this game. The 10 power leuopold scope on my M21 has testament to it. None the less, America 1 Hadji 0
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The Job is far from over, we've just taken the hood ornemant off the insurgencies Caddilac.

Amen. But most of the general American public just don't understand that. Bein on the ground here more than the sun is in the sky, let's me see things. This shit don't happen fuckin over night like everyone wants, so it'll take a second. If things were logical, WE would be running the show, but as in all things, politics run it. Colateral damage looks bad on reputations.

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If things were logical, WE would be running the show, but as in all things, politics run it.

It's not realy all that simple, either. Keep in mind, in US military history we've never been able to overthrow an indigenous military or guerilla force....well, not without leveling the entire country. It wouldn't be possible to run the show, even if we were determined to do it.


besides, who would want to? Look what running Iraq did to Saddam, that cat is nuts.

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Honestly these fucking people are so gullible it's not even funny. As it says within the Koran, it's a sin to lie, well everyone believes that nobody would lie. And religion runs the show in everything here, Muhammed this, Allah that. The muslim faith is one of violence and that's how they run their lives with violence. Live by the AK, die by AK. It's sheer stupidity running rampant here, which is why I don't give 2 shits about their shit hole of a trash pile. The people honestly don't give 2 shits about their country which is funny. They don't care people are layin down IED's, even if they're watchin the whole thing happen. And the normal statement, I didn't see shit. So hopefully things will turn and let these cock bags run their own shit hole for once.
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Honestly these fucking people are so gullible it's not even funny. As it says within the Koran, it's a sin to lie, well everyone believes that nobody would lie. And religion runs the show in everything here, Muhammed this, Allah that. The muslim faith is one of violence and that's how they run their lives with violence. Live by the AK, die by AK. It's sheer stupidity running rampant here, which is why I don't give 2 shits about their shit hole of a trash pile. The people honestly don't give 2 shits about their country which is funny. They don't care people are layin down IED's, even if they're watchin the whole thing happen. And the normal statement, I didn't see shit. So hopefully things will turn and let these cock bags run their own shit hole for once.


I studied some of the stuff from the Koran and such a year ago. Some of the things in there aren't anywhere near how some Muslims interpret it. It's more peaceful then anything but these extremists you're delaing with over there make their own shit out of it. It's quite sad, really.

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I studied some of the stuff from the Koran and such a year ago. Some of the things in there aren't anywhere near how some Muslims interpret it. It's more peaceful then anything but these extremists you're delaing with over there make their own shit out of it. It's quite sad, really.

Sounds like the bible.

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