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Bush heckles reporter about sunglasses


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The guy never reported his condition to the white house press corp. I would have goofed on him too.


really would you have? I wouldn't have even noticed.


The guy has some sort of degenerative disease in his eye, when exposed to sunlight and even semi-shiny things, it speeds up the loss of sight in his eye. he's not blind YET, but he does need the glasses. He didn't notify the press corps b/c he didn't want to be treated any differently, turns out he was anyway. he was more mad that bush never answered his question in the first place.

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really would you have? I wouldn't have even noticed.


The guy has some sort of degenerative disease in his eye, when exposed to sunlight and even semi-shiny things, it speeds up the loss of sight in his eye. he's not blind YET, but he does need the glasses. He didn't notify the press corps b/c he didn't want to be treated any differently, turns out he was anyway. he was more mad that bush never answered his question in the first place.



Of course I would have. You don't address the President with "shades."

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bush is a fucking idiot and of course he didnt answer the question cause he is toooooo stuuuuuupid and he wont answer real questions on why he is ruining the world cause hes too worried that americans will realize terrorism is a fake...... THATS RIGHT MADE UP AND CAUSED BY OUR GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!! boy you republicans should have voted in McCain he is better than this fascist prick we have now.

im done venting

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bush is a fucking idiot and of course he didnt answer the question cause he is toooooo stuuuuuupid and he wont answer real questions on why he is ruining the world cause hes too worried that americans will realize terrorism is a fake...... THATS RIGHT MADE UP AND CAUSED BY OUR GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!! boy you republicans should have voted in McCain he is better than this fascist prick we have now.

im done venting


terrorism is fake? Sept 11th would have happened no matter who was president at the time. Planning for that was probably started in the Clinton administration.


BTW the guys took it pretty well. But if I was him I would have taken the shades off to ask the question.

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bush is a fucking idiot and of course he didnt answer the question cause he is toooooo stuuuuuupid and he wont answer real questions on why he is ruining the world cause hes too worried that americans will realize terrorism is a fake...... THATS RIGHT MADE UP AND CAUSED BY OUR GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!! boy you republicans should have voted in McCain he is better than this fascist prick we have now.

im done venting

Your speaking privilages have been revoked, stop giving the left a bad name.



McCain > bush, thats how I voted.

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bush is a fucking idiot and of course he didnt answer the question cause he is toooooo stuuuuuupid and he wont answer real questions on why he is ruining the world cause hes too worried that americans will realize terrorism is a fake...... THATS RIGHT MADE UP AND CAUSED BY OUR GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!! boy you republicans should have voted in McCain he is better than this fascist prick we have now.

im done venting


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Your speaking privilages have been revoked, stop giving the left a bad name.

revoked really!!!!!! :eek:


sorry im not a left wing pussy boy either, but atleast they have a clue.... and as far clinton starting this you need to look back a few years before him.... (reagan years) abandoned afghanistan after we got russia out dah. a little info for the blind..... saddam and osama were enemies oh yeah W good try but i refuse to let idiots ruin this country.... like my dad said ( who fought for his contry and a government that betrayed him) it is his generation (the baby boomers) that has ruined this beautiful country......as he said they should kill all of them and his self included so the younger generations could take over.... all i have to say for now



if the blind could see...................



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Your speaking privilages have been revoked, stop giving the left a bad name.



McCain > bush, thats how I voted.


Uhh, yeah.....see why so many moderates have been over to the right lately? People like that.


Oh, and I feel that McCain is an unsafe choice for either side, you never know where he stands. Sure, if the repubs put him up for vote he'll take plenty of the left votes, making him a sure thing to win, but is it worth it? I think not. I'm tired of people in power that jump back and forth all the time, I would almost rather have someone I disagree with than someone I can't predict.

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bush is a fucking idiot and of course he didnt answer the question cause he is toooooo stuuuuuupid and he wont answer real questions on why he is ruining the world cause hes too worried that americans will realize terrorism is a fake...... THATS RIGHT MADE UP AND CAUSED BY OUR GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!! boy you republicans should have voted in McCain he is better than this fascist prick we have now.

im done venting



The question that was not answered was not on how he's "ruining the world" but if his cabinet's reputation has suffering because Karl Rove was aquited of any charges. Get it right before you speak out of your ass.


BTW the guys took it pretty well. But if I was him I would have taken the shades off to ask the question.


You dont understand he HAS to wear them. If it were me and my eye sight was on the line, i'd keep my glasses on.

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Uhh, yeah.....see why so many moderates have been over to the right lately? People like that.


Oh, and I feel that McCain is an unsafe choice for either side, you never know where he stands. Sure, if the repubs put him up for vote he'll take plenty of the left votes, making him a sure thing to win, but is it worth it? I think not. I'm tired of people in power that jump back and forth all the time, I would almost rather have someone I disagree with than someone I can't predict.

I'm the opposite. I beleive dynamics is essential to to leadership. Shit happens, things change. If you dont adjust, you die. Mamoths were big and strong, what happend to them?

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ok if not the world.. this country.. but wait if we go down,they all go down..


again if the blind could see.... look in front of you

1. fake war... wheres bin laden?

2. nuclear war .... he needs to worry about real issues not oil/corparate ones

who do you think is fueling this fire oh. another superpower/superpowers combined CHINA and RUSSIA... they have been having military exercises together and believe me we cant stop them considering we cant even stop a handful of insurgents.. oh wait our soldiers are fighting but our government is keeping it going and even Bush himself said he should have never told the terrorists to bring it on. so open your eyes and get the facts straight.

so there my ass has spoken your turn ..

see i dont let people make my decisions i make them thats why they call some of us men :eek2:

i have 3 beautiful baby girls to take care of and its so hard to make it let alone keep a job (mexico and china)

family values yeah i have them but they dont they just worry about money...

karl rove i need to say no more but remember what kind of power our government has of course he was aquited.....


so before i get kicked out no i dont want that...

its a freedom to believe or not to and thats why choose not to because im not a sheep (follower)

wheres god when you need him oh wait he doesnt exsist.. yes he does ...no he doesnt.... my god is real yours is not.. is too... is not ...boom your dead...sound familiar...

what wrong with changing your mind atleast then they will be able to admit when they are wrong and actually make decisions that we want.....again that means they can think for theirselves.

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The problem with this country (more than any other non 3rd world country) is not just President Bush (although he is the worst President this country has ever had in its history, or at least in this country's DOCUMENTED history). The problem is that Bush all-to-well REPRESENTS this country and the people in it. Ignorance and intolerance has replaced intelligence and open-mindedness. Idiocy is running more rampant than the black plague and it's only getting worse. I could go on and on about specific issues and problems but the point is moot for it falls upon deaf ears. Theonly people willing to listen are those who don't need to be "converted". The rest just immediately get defensive rather than listen with an open mind because it threatens their bubble of conformity.


It truly is sad.

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The problem with this country (more than any other non 3rd world country) is not just President Bush (although he is the worst President this country has ever had in its history, or at least in this country's DOCUMENTED history). The problem is that Bush all-to-well REPRESENTS this country and the people in it. Ignorance and intolerance has replaced intelligence and open-mindedness. Idiocy is running more rampant than the black plague and it's only getting worse. I could go on and on about specific issues and problems but the point is moot for it falls upon deaf ears. Theonly people willing to listen are those who don't need to be "converted". The rest just immediately get defensive rather than listen with an open mind because it threatens their bubble of conformity.


It truly is sad.

holly shit .... that was dead on .. and without all the rage.

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bush is a fucking idiot and of course he didnt answer the question cause he is toooooo stuuuuuupid and he wont answer real questions on why he is ruining the world cause hes too worried that americans will realize terrorism is a fake...... THATS RIGHT MADE UP AND CAUSED BY OUR GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!! boy you republicans should have voted in McCain he is better than this fascist prick we have now.

im done venting


This post makes you look like an extreme idiot. You might not be, but this post really makes you come off shitty.


I mean really now of all people on this board to disagree with the way this government conducts business it's me. Not even I would make an insanely stupid comment like that.


Even for Mr. Wiggs to say that Bush is the worst president ever is merely a matter of opinion... Sure he sucks, but remember that Clinton had Bin Laden a couple times and let him get away not to mention the fact he should have been impeached for committing prugery. Also what about Regan shipped weapon over to Saddam in the late 70's early 80's. Ford pardoned Nixon, Nixon, well he was Nixon...... Need I say more. No one is perfect and we all know that with the majority of the population in the world 'power corupts'.


"Ignorance and intolerance has replaced intelligence and open-mindedness. Idiocy is running more rampant than the black plague and it's only getting worse. I could go on and on about specific issues and problems but the point is moot for it falls upon deaf ears. Theonly people willing to listen are those who don't need to be "converted". The rest just immediately get defensive rather than listen with an open mind because it threatens their bubble of conformity.


Wiggs, can you elaborate a little more on your point? Not sure if I should agree or take offense?

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bottom line its always an opinion i agree some of what you said i just cant stand those rediculous bastards and yes im talking about the government period.... i am so against corruption but they say thats how the world works.....oh yeah i am a idiot but im not a follower and yes i am ignorant when comes to shooting off of the mouth but again it is my opinion.....and i do listen to others opinions and take them in stride..not trying to be a :asshole: im sorry to come off that way.

i bet to hell that bin laden is caught right before election for presidency for 08... if not caught they will have found him yada,yada,yada... it just seems obvious to me thats all...

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Even for Mr. Wiggs to say that Bush is the worst president ever is merely a matter of opinion...

Wiggs, can you elaborate a little more on your point? Not sure if I should agree or take offense?


(1) Any subjective raiting such as "worst" is a matter of opinion, but so are most things we say about everything else. I am not saying he is the worst because of not getting OBL or anything like that. I believe that he is the worst because he is completely unqualified for the job. The President has basically two duties. 1, to be a figure head for our country (i.e., represent our "strength" and intelligence, and class to the rest of the world) and 2, to speak eloquently to the public and keep them informed of all goings-on with our country both at home and abroad. On both counts he fails miserably. He is a piss-poor speaker on his best day. He cannot think on his feet to save his life, and he exudes stupidity and a "shoot-from-the-hip" mentality that makes us look like "wild west" bafoons to the rest of the world. Believe me when I tell you, when you travel all over Europe, it is not a proud moment when you are recognized as an American, mainly because of "W". That's a separate issue though, the more important one is your second question.


(2) The most obvious and easiest issue to elaborate on is religion. The Christian Right-Wing has so much power in this country, it's starting to become scary. The main problem is not that people believe "the Christian way", it's the reasoning or lack thereof that they go through to reach that state of "belief". People give the "faith" argument which is a bunch of crap. Without boring you or others (I have actually done many papers on the subject so I can be long-winded), it basically comes to this. One has no good reason for believing that God exists, not to mention it's logically impossible for the Christian God (as the Bible describes) to even exist. However, one has VERY good reason (i.e., tantamount to the same good reason for thinking that if you jump out of a plane, you will fall to the ground and not magically hover in place) for thinking God does not exist. yet in spite of all of this, people still follow "his word" with "blind faith" and make decisions upon it that affect all of us. Like I said, I could go on for hours and go through all of the arguments, from Aquinas' "5 Ways" up until the modern day Ontological Argument for the existence of God, but that is another story.


Hope this helps. Basically my point is, people do not question what they are told and decide for themselves, for if they did, they would probably not have the beliefs that they do currently.

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