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pulled over for tint?


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anyone ever been pulled over for just tint? i guess i was somewhat under the impression that tint was one of the offenses that they could hit you with after being pulled over for a moving violation...got hit by westerville cops tonight coming back from the fireworks w/ my g/f...was doing 43mph down sunbury rd (45 zone...dont know why i was doing 43), saw his car, went to roll the windows down, got em down and he hit his lights...didnt say anything but about the tint.


i wasn't so much upset i got the ticket for the tint since i knew it was illegal and its only 85$, i was more pissed he pulled me over for just the tint and nothing else


and what do you think i should say to the tint shop? i asked for 23% and when he tested it, it was at 18%.

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Yes, you can get pulled over only for tint. Also, if your windows are dirty, it will affect how much light can pass through, or if the window had any kind of darkening from the factory. I'm sure they put 23% tint on, but other things affect it. Either way, 23% is still illegal in Ohio, so it really doesn't matter.
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23% is still illegal, so either way your fucked, not the tint shops fault, I'm sure they told you it was illegal.


guy, i dont know you, but you seem to think you know me and think im an idiot. if you read my original post, you can see where i said "since i knew it was illegal".


2nd. im not "fucked". its an 85$ ticket. if getting an 85$ ticket means you, yourself are "fucked", maybe you should think about a career change..."fucked" would be if they pulled me over for tint, got me for my tail light shades, exhaust, decided to search my car, found drugs and a pipe, etc. then i would be fucked.


3rd - i did not blame the tint shop. all i stated was that i asked for 23% and when it got tested it came to 18%.


the main question in my post was asking if anyone has been pulled over for just tint and no other infractions of the law. i didnt come on here asking how i can get out of a ticket


or if the window had any kind of darkening from the factory

good point. i guess i didn't take that into consideration.

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Yes, you can get pulled over only for tint. Also, if your windows are dirty, it will affect how much light can pass through, or if the window had any kind of darkening from the factory. I'm sure they put 23% tint on, but other things affect it. Either way, 23% is still illegal in Ohio, so it really doesn't matter.


I got pulled over back in like '96 Driving my Corolla GTS in Worthington delivering for Cafe Courier. When she pulled me over I asked why she did so. "You have something covering a letter on your rear license plate." I get out, and sure as shit, a bird shit right on the 3rd letter in my license plate (it was VPC 860). I had a dark license plate cover on it too.


She let me off with a warning. I would have pimp slapped her if she gave me a ticket for bird shit on my license plate.

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Yes They Can Pull You Over For Just Tint. Happened To Me All The Time.


The Reason You Paid For 23 And Got Tested At 18 Is Because There Is Always A Variance. I Had 7 On Both My Jettas And My F250. When Pulled Over The Jetta Hit A 4 The Truck Came In At 9


The Dude Saying Your Fuck Is Correct, Your Fucked. You Gota Ticket And Now You Need To Pay It. He Prety Much Said Just Pay It. I Got A Ticket For Expired Tag On My Bike. I Was Fucked, Had To Pay It. Nothing I Could Do About It. Oh Well...

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Evan, you should take the 20% off and replace it with 5% and then drive to the Dairy Queen on Westerville Rd. to get some soft serve. Get back with us on how that goes. :D


you know whats funny is me and my g/f were just there yesterday during the parade...lol


oh well. its not a big deal to pay 85$. id rather do that and keep my car looking the way it is completely blacked out. im just glad he didnt do what ive heard of and sit there and watch me scrape it off.

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A good friend of mine has 35% on his golf, but it's darker...when they tested it at the shop later, it's actually 30%. I think it's a combination of the original bit of tint and the tolerances of different types of aftermarket tint that are usually darker than advertised. He's never had a problem though, and he's had it that way for 2 years. I don't think I'll go any darker than what he has.


Sorry to hear about your ticket. I think it depends on the municipality as to whether they pull you over specifically for that; he wanted the money, in other words.

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I think it depends on the municipality as to whether they pull you over specifically for that; he wanted the money, in other words.


probably. i know a lot of people say gahanna is real bad about it as well. i dont live in gahanna anymore, and haven't lived there with my tint, but im there almost daily between goin over to my dads, driving thru to get to/from work, and i pass cops all day long, have watched them look at my car while going by and dont do anything about it


i guess it would have even been nice to get a fix-it ticket and have my cop friend write it as ok. oh well. like i said, its only 85$. not gonna strain my wallet.

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I thought the new law was 50% on front windows & windshield, and what ever you want on rear passengers & backglass.


Oh, and I was pulled over for just tint & later car was searched, car impounded, spent a couple of hours in a holding cell, had to walk 45 mins to a pay phone, to have a ride come get me in Lancaster @ 3 a.m. - eventually had the searched thrown out due to the fact there was no way at 45 mph, which is like 80 ft a sec so that meant with him to have a 1/80th of a sec to determine if my windows (friends car) were to dark. Was convicted of disorderly conduct and got the car back, originally was 15 charges between me a 2 other "friends".




P.S. Know what your "friends" have on them i.e. (drugs!)

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Yeah there is a very small amount of tint on the Elantra's. Not much, but some. So that can make it a little darker than what you originally thought. I have also heard of police making people scrape the tint off there windows. Seems to happen to people that get pulled over a lot for the same thing in the same area and never fix it. I am going to be getting my Elantra tinted soon, but since my wife drives it she said she wouldn't want anything less than 50% done.
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I've had tint on my cars for as long as i can rember. I've only been hasseled twice. 1 time i was speeding , the other time i got pulled over because the cop already was pissed atme for trying to around him one day when idid not relize he was blocking a wrap ( he was not blocking it just to the side )


both time no ticket. I think alot of times its about how you talk to the officer. i relize its for there safety so i always roll my windows down. put my hands on the steering wheel and wait.

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I think alot of times its about how you talk to the officer. i relize its for there safety so i always roll my windows down. put my hands on the steering wheel and wait.


yeah, i had my window down, hands on the wheel, turned the car off and waited. wasn't rude to him. i guess i just got tagged to be one of the people getting pulled over and ticketed on 4th of july.

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saw his car, went to roll the windows down, got em down and he hit his lights.





This is like throwing down a joint and trying to NOT look guilty. If the cop is looking at you, DON"T DO THINGS THAT MAKE YPU LOOK GUILTY. I have no doubt that he looked over and you were in some mad rush to get the windows rolled down. He probably thought WTF for a second then realized that you KNEW your windows were too dark so you rolled them down real quick. It's almost like saying hey, please come write me a ticket.

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If you get 3 of these in Westerville in a year they will make you go to court, and when you show up you have to bring the car, the judge will instruct the bailiff to escort you out to the car and he will inspect the car to see that you have in fact removed the tint. Then you go back in and pay no fine but court costs. Not that this happened to me or anything......:o
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I thought the new law was 50% on front windows & windshield, and what ever you want on rear passengers & backglass.



It is.


You know how the holidays are. I got nabbed the other day, no front plate (reason for pull over), 35% tint and no seatbelt. Got out of the deal with only a seatbelt ticket, so I am not complaining. . (although it is a bullshit law).


I am guessing there is more to your story, or your car sticks out for some reason. I have always had illegal tint, and never been pulled over for that reason alone.

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I am guessing there is more to your story, or your car sticks out for some reason. I have always had illegal tint, and never been pulled over for that reason alone.




that with tint. i dont have recent pics. im sure my exhaust caught his attention, but he didn't say anything about it. front plates were on, lights all on and working, thats why i was so pissed off. there is NOTHING else to the story. it was one of the few times i was not speeding, wasn't driving like an ass like i tend to do most of the time. i was just taking my girl home from the westerville fireworks driving by hoover dam, see him in my rearview and get pulled over. thats why i said i would be less pissed off if he busted me for it while pulling me over for speeding or something else since i would know i was doing something illegal.

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Evan, you should take the 20% off and replace it with 5% and then drive to the Dairy Queen on Westerville Rd. to get some soft serve. Get back with us on how that goes. :D


Hmm, I wonder if I certain yellow cobra with 18% got pulled over in that dairy queen parking lot about 1/4 mile from my house. Oh, yep it did. No ticket for me though, my uncle is on the force so they told me to thank him for no ticket and the cop then proceeded to compliment the car and say the tint does look great.

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