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fuckin thieves


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I have had the entire day off and have been outside or in my garage all day long (detailing the wife van). Around 8:30 the wife goes to one of our neighbors house for a minute I go back out to clean up the mess I had made earlier. One of my other neighbors comes running over and says someone just ran out you you garage and jumped in a car and took off. Look in the garage and sure enough they stole a 5 gallon gas can that was half full. Not any of my power tools or my tool box or any of the stuff that is of value they took my fuckin gas can (I'm glad that's all they took).


Neighbor said they were in a late model grey Impala with body damage on the driers side. So I called the police and they came out and filed a report. I don't play on getting anything back and I have no problems with getting a new can but its the fuckin whole idea that some punk ass bitch had the balls to walk in my garage with my house opened up in broad daylight.


I'm just pissed about the whole thing anyway just needed to rant a little



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Fuck me. I wanna say it was an Impala, one of the newer model ones. It was silver and I saw it near Delaware lake on 23 S heading towards Delaware. (I have no idea how far Galloway is to that, I didn't look before posting) I wouldn't normally remember something like that, but the young woman was driving so slow in the fast lane. Once she tired of me being behind her, she moved to the left lane and there was damage on the drivers side. Pretty bad actually but mostly to the drivers side passenger door. Wait, may not be the car now that I think of it. Are impalas only two door? This was a silver 4 door.

(Not that this helps, but I'll keep an eye out as I live in Delaware.)

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I have had the entire day off and have been outside or in my garage all day long (detailing the wife van). Around 8:30 the wife goes to one of our neighbors house for a minute I go back out to clean up the mess I had made earlier. One of my other neighbors comes running over and says someone just ran out you you garage and jumped in a car and took off. Look in the garage and sure enough they stole a 5 gallon gas can that was half full. Not any of my power tools or my tool box or any of the stuff that is of value they took my fuckin gas can (I'm glad that's all they took).


Neighbor said they were in a late model grey Impala with body damage on the driers side. So I called the police and they came out and filed a report. I don't play on getting anything back and I have no problems with getting a new can but its the fuckin whole idea that some punk ass bitch had the balls to walk in my garage with my house opened up in broad daylight.


I'm just pissed about the whole thing anyway just needed to rant a little





Fucking Gas! I hate thieves but you have to admit, it is kind of funny bro, think of the more valuable things you had in there to be stolen. I agree it sucks but if it was 2.5 gallons of gas and a can. Meh. I meant they robbed you for like 10 bucks. Jail is so worth 10 bucks......I for one am glad thieves are not smart.


Be thankful that you and your wife and children are safe. My guess if they are crazy enough to steal in broad daylight, they are most likely violent. Make sure you lock your doors and stuff, because if they thought you were an easy mark they might be back. Take it as a warning.

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Shawn, this is a pretty common thing going on right now, unfortunately. These people are fucking BRAVE too. They did this to one of my neighbors as their SON was playing in the driveway! Walked right past him and took something out of the garage, and walked right back out. I close my garage if I'm going to be away more than one minute. It sucks, but what else can you do?


Also, during the day, they have been kicking in basement windows and slipping into the basement. Now they have all day to go through your shit. The only advice I can give is to put up frosted paper on your basement windows so they can't see through them. I think that is a big enough deterrent. But I'm also going to pick up a few of these key-pad protected magnetic window/door alarms at Home Depot. They are about $20 each. I figure that's good insurance. If you want the frosted paper, let me know and you can swing by and grab it. I have almost the entire roll left.


On the bright side, I have seen a LOT more Police and Sherriff patrols in the neighborhood so at least they know the problem exists. Caveat of living within hooptie putting distance of the Hilltop, I guess.

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Fuck me. I wanna say it was an Impala, one of the newer model ones. It was silver and I saw it near Delaware lake on 23 S heading towards Delaware. (I have no idea how far Galloway is to that, I didn't look before posting) I wouldn't normally remember something like that, but the young woman was driving so slow in the fast lane. Once she tired of me being behind her, she moved to the left lane and there was damage on the drivers side. Pretty bad actually but mostly to the drivers side passenger door. Wait, may not be the car now that I think of it. Are impalas only two door? This was a silver 4 door.

(Not that this helps, but I'll keep an eye out as I live in Delaware.)


Galloway is a long way from Delaware. Galloway is on the far west side of Columbus - think way out on Broad Street, out past the Outerbelt.

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Galloway is a long way from Delaware. Galloway is on the far west side of Columbus - think way out on Broad Street, out past the Outerbelt.


Maybe that's why they needed the gas.. :) Still, strange coincidence. I've left my garage open once while I quickly ran to the store for something to drink. Came back and this jackass was just sitting on his bike on the sidewalk in front of my garage but quickly left when I got near. The one and only time I'll leave it open though I'm tempted to leave it open but leave my dog in there but I'd still probably get sued.

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when i grew up, we called it 'garage shopping' though i was never involved in such activities. I grew up in worthington and it wasn't abnormal for someone to have an extra fridge in their garage... with beer in it. I've heard on many occassion's punk ass kids in the neighborhood go into someones garage and 'shop'.
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when i grew up' date=' we called it 'garage shopping' though i was never involved in such activities. I grew up in worthington and it wasn't abnormal for someone to have an extra fridge in their garage... with beer in it. I've heard on many occassion's punk ass kids in the neighborhood go into someones garage and 'shop'.[/quote']

i know a kid that did that shit...fuckin loser.

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Though I hate the billion kids in my neighborhood, they are ALWAYS outside, and would notice someone messing with my stuff right away. Living in a culdasac helps too, as there is only one way in-out, and plenty of neighbors to watch.


The big black security guard in the house doesn't hurt either. Crooks tend to not like big dogs. :D Luckily in the 4+ years I have lived here I haven't had to deal with any crime at all. Cops patrol regularly too. :)

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Around here, the kids are the problems generally. We seem to have a bad ratio of shitty parents to good parents on this block. Luckily, one of the trash houses is being evicted soon. That should cut the police presence down a bit on this block not to mention improve the scenery.
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Though I hate the billion kids in my neighborhood, they are ALWAYS outside, and would notice someone messing with my stuff right away. Living in a culdasac helps too, as there is only one way in-out, and plenty of neighbors to watch.


The big black security guard in the house doesn't hurt either. Crooks tend to not like big dogs. :D Luckily in the 4+ years I have lived here I haven't had to deal with any crime at all. Cops patrol regularly too. :)


I live in a culdesac with a total of 8 houses on it 2 of the houses are owned by police state trooper and CPD. Once my neighbor told me about it her husband went after them with but wasn't able to find them.


Best thing I can say is live and learn. To bad I had to learn the hard way.


Chris, thanks for the offer. I don't have a true basement (split level house) and I really don't want to cover the 2 front windows with anything. I am going to look into getting a clear covering the makes the windows shatter proof/resistant. Will also plant some Thorny bushes around the windows as well.

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Our neighborhood(Galloway) has been getting bad since about '02. Strangely that's when the large influx of latin speaking people moved in. I have lived here since '90 and never had a problem until 2 years ago. The night after thanksgiving they broke into my garage and stole my mig welder, last fall they broke in and stole my tool chests and about $5000 in tools in them, then they stole my car stereo and destroyed my console doing it. I'm looking to go farther out of town when my lease is up.
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