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Jagr.....go. Wait here is what i know(fact). For 450 anytime minutes and 5000 nights/weekends it's $69.99. You have to add $20.00 to that for unlimited text messaging. So that's $90 a month before tax....one line.

I was in ATT for a very long time before going to Sprint cause GF and I were getting the 3g.....BUT Sprint offers us EVERYTHING 2000 family share for 129.99 a month...We get all they offer. I then get 27% off monthly for my job, so my bill is less than $100 a month for 2 phones w/ unlimited everything.

I asked the ATT what they have to compare and he said he could do just that for about $189 a month for two 3Gs then add 17% my employee gives for ATT. I'd be a fool to get involved with ATT....plans are CRAP!!!

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Jagr.....go. Wait here is what i know(fact). For 450 anytime minutes and 5000 nights/weekends it's $69.99. You have to add $20.00 to that for unlimited text messaging. So that's $90 a month before tax....one line.

I was in ATT for a very long time before going to Sprint cause GF and I were getting the 3g.....BUT Sprint offers us EVERYTHING 2000 family share for 129.99 a month...We get all they offer. I then get 27% off monthly for my job, so my bill is less than $100 a month for 2 phones w/ unlimited everything.

I asked the ATT what they have to compare and he said he could do just that for about $189 a month for two 3Gs then add 17% my employee gives for ATT. I'd be a fool to get involved with ATT....plans are CRAP!!!

+1... I was with Verizon but went to Sprint. Plans are WAY better than any other company. I too get unlmited data and texts and 500 anytime minutes with unlimted nights and weekends (begenning at 7 PM EST) for about $60 per month. That also includes insurance on my phone. I surf the net constantly on my phone so that stuff was important to me. With the exception of an occasional dropped call (about 1 every other week) I am happy with Sprint.

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I like AT&T because so far for work, they have the best coverage and dependability out there... I've had T-Mobile, Verizon and now AT&T (Even the old Cingular).

I have had interest in going to Sprint, but am fearful due to the fact that many guys I know have coverage issues. I think due to me driving all over Ohio and Northern KY plus the over the country traveling I do, I cannot "hope" service is available...

Of course, the guys I know that stay in town and don't drive like I do nor depend on their phones like I do, LOVE Sprint...

Anyone travel about 30K or more a year for work have any input on Sprint?

Also, how's this an iPhone thread? You guys suck at titles...

The iPhone is cool. I am getting Dweezel's and hopefully FastDuc's (for my wife). I am waiting for the BB Bold, but thought the iPhone would be cool as I use my iPod all the time and have a need for a media playing device and phone with internet and such... Might be fun to play with for a while...

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i get 1500 minutes from t mobile for 40 bucks a month. 10 more bucks for unlimited texts.

But T-mobile's coverage is total shit unless within a bigger city. For example, where I am from (Upper Sandusky), all of Wynadot County is dead space for T-Mobile. Again, I drive a lot and there were WAY too many dead spots. So far, VERY few with AT&T and even with a buddy who I've traveled with that has VZW, he gets the same dead spots...

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+1... I was with Verizon but went to Sprint. Plans are WAY better than any other company. I too get unlmited data and texts and 500 anytime minutes with unlimted nights and weekends (begenning at 7 PM EST) for about $60 per month. That also includes insurance on my phone. I surf the net constantly on my phone so that stuff was important to me. With the exception of an occasional dropped call (about 1 every other week) I am happy with Sprint.

Ya...nothing beats that 'everything' plan. Our T-mobile contracts were up and iPhones were next in line regardless of what came out...but when I was told the plans they offered....I said no way in hell. I'm running two lines for the price of 1 iPhone + a few dollars. The mfa is just so nice that I was almost willing to pay the diff just to have it.

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But T-mobile's coverage is total shit unless within a bigger city.

You know....I had T-Mobile for a very long time and never had issues...I never got service at Mid-Ohio, hocking, or any other remote location. GF and I were at Chrome's wedding reception and we were the only ones w/out service...tmob. I knew I needed out after that. Since Sprint...I have coverage all the place I mentioned up there..good signal too.

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You know....I had T-Mobile for a very long time and never had issues...I never got service at Mid-Ohio, hocking, or any other remote location. GF and I were at Chrome's wedding reception and we were the only ones w/out service...tmob. I knew I needed out after that. Since Sprint...I have coverage all the place I mentioned up there..good signal too.

How was it going down 314 between STeam Corners turn off and the 42 junction? That's ALWAYS a dead spot for both VZW and my AT&T... Was Sprint pretty good or weak, too?

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i get 1500 minutes from t mobile for 40 bucks a month. 10 more bucks for unlimited texts.

i used to rock the t-mobile, but i got no service at home, and spotty service everywhere else, the only good service i got was right on the lake (where verizon kinda sucks) and at my desk at work...

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How was it going down 314 between STeam Corners turn off and the 42 junction? That's ALWAYS a dead spot for both VZW and my AT&T... Was Sprint pretty good or weak, too?

I am sure I have been where you are talking about....lets just say I have not been a single place since I got Sprint where I lost coverage..no where. Been with them since 6/26.

Also, how's this an iPhone thread? You guys suck at titles...

It started iPhone related. Who turned it?


Hey Putty, what phone do you use from Sprint? I use the HTC Mogul. Its the shit. :D:D:D

I got the Samsung Instinct

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yeah i think service coverage has a lot to play into what company you pick too...

i live very near downtown, go to OSU and also work in westerville, so ive never had a problem not getting service. my parents live outside of canal winchester and there is about a 2 mile stretch of road that is a dead zone... other than that its ok.

i got service when i was at mid ohio for the IRL race though.

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move out of the sticks :lol: :lol:

Uh, I travel all over for work. There's a lot of area outside cities that have almost zero coverage for certain cell providers. T-Mobile is the worst of the group and it is mainly due to not being able to piggy back certain carriers' towers for better coverage.

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ahha!!! I pretty sure I just urinated on myself after seeing that picture!!!

But I do love my iPhone, I am actually making this post from it right now. I drive all day and inbetween stops I will cruise the net for a while and keep myself entertained. But I do agree 190 a month for service is pretty stupid.

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I don't like the idea of an all touch screen phone. I like my hard buttons, because there are time where I need to feel the phone and push a button without looking. I'm sure the iPhone is great, but to me it's not worth the extra money.

What's the name of that new touchscreen phone on Sprint's network? I read some reviews, and it looks like it's the best touch screen, outside of the iPhone. The only problem is, Sprint has changed their plans according to what I read ..for this phone. If what I read is true, I can't use my current SERO plan ($50/month 1200 minutes, unlimited data/text) ..and I have to get a plan that's $70+/month.

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If what I read is true, I can't use my current SERO plan ($50/month 1200 minutes, unlimited data/text) ..and I have to get a plan that's $70+/month.

Yes, that is true...You have to use a Everything plan for the Instinct. The SERO plans are not accepted......as of now.

uh, :lol: :lol: means im just fucking around :rolleyes:


lmao!!! That's great!!!

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I travel all over the country for work. ALL over it. and to some pretty back woods places. The company used to have spring phones, I being a lowley service monkey at the time didn't get one, but I'd carry mine anways. We now have ATT because sprint didnt work anywhere. Hell here in the office which isn't down town, but isn't in the sticks either, sprint didn't work. I finally found a place my iPhone didn't work. Loysville PA. About an hr north of Carlisle. some tiny ass bridge in BFE in a valley. but if I'd leave the bridge and head a few hundred yards up the hill on either side, I had a few bars and could make calls. I like my ATT :D

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