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Verizon Question


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Im about to get a new phone and there is one specific feature that I am looking for. I want to use the bluetooth to connect to my laptop as a wireless internet connection. I keep hearing from the reps at my work that you cant with Verizon. Then I heard that the phone needs to be "unlocked" so you can use the bluetooth for that reason. My friend has cingular and uses his phone as a router whenever he is traveling and I want that! I just really dont want to go to cingular. Does anyone know how to "unlock" or a Verizon phone that will allow me to do that?
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couple ways to get what you want man.


1 the legal way. buy a verizon phone with vcast and bluetooth, like the lg 8300, pay like 50 bucks extra a month for the internet service, and be on your way. this is the way verizon would like for you to do things.


2 the smart way. get your self one of our older model phones, like the lg 8100, add vcast for 15 a month, and then have a chat with shawn jones (beaviz jones). the other day, he came over and he had his laptop, and my desktop, both linked via bluetooth to his phone, and we were surfing at about 1.5 mbps. this is the way that verizon most definately doesnt want you to do things.

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couple ways to get what you want man.


1 the legal way. buy a verizon phone with vcast and bluetooth, like the lg 8300, pay like 50 bucks extra a month for the internet service, and be on your way. this is the way verizon would like for you to do things.


2 the smart way. get your self one of our older model phones, like the lg 8100, add vcast for 15 a month, and then have a chat with shawn jones (beaviz jones). the other day, he came over and he had his laptop, and my desktop, both linked via bluetooth to his phone, and we were surfing at about 1.5 mbps. this is the way that verizon most definately doesnt want you to do things.



so the blue toothphones already have internet access goingto them???

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DJ, how is the second way not legal?


I seem to recall Verizon getting sued by the Bluetooth 'conglomerate' for calling their phones Bluetooth capable when they don't have full Bluetooth capability. So instead of making their phones full Bluetooth capable for their customers they just call them 'partially Bluetooth capable' or something like that now.


Also, why do you need an older phone? Do they just not know how to unlock the newer phones yet?

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no, bluetooth IS NOT synonomous with internet. you need VCAST to get the internet.


on the newer phones, theyve taken steps via software to eliminate ones ability to use vcast as a modem. can you still hack it? probably, but i imagine it would be more complicated.


the second option is illegal because verizon says it is. they want you to pay for the full on internet package if youre going to be using the full on internet. vcast is substantially less ($55 vs. $15), but its the same internet, at the same speed.

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I mean i can connect my pocket PC to my Motorola E815 via bluetooth. The phone will connect me to the internet, but will disconnect after a few seconds because my data is all screwed up. I mean I can't get on Get it now, I can't send or recieve pictures, any of that good stuff. I need to get around to callnig cust support.
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I mean i can connect my pocket PC to my Motorola E815 via bluetooth. The phone will connect me to the internet, but will disconnect after a few seconds because my data is all screwed up. I mean I can't get on Get it now, I can't send or recieve pictures, any of that good stuff. I need to get around to callnig cust support.

Your right, your account needs to be checked out. If your phone cant get on get it now then there is something in the computer system that needs to be checked out. PM me your number and I'll have one of my reps check it out. And Orion is right. We blocked full access to bluetooth because it would make a lot of our add on features useless. We decided to limit it because of the lost revenue it would cause. Think about it, if you can sync your phone to your laptop for free... then why would you need to buy the connecting cables? If you can send a picture through bluetooth why buy a picture message package?? The older phones have given people more of a chance to figure out how to unlock them. Hey Orion, do you work in the call center???

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I've tried both methods and both worked for me. You just have to watch your data usage. If you use this as the primary source of your internet connection then they will catch on because they monitor the usage. But if you just use it for here and there while you're on the road then it will be ok. But because it's a PDA phone they will charge you $45/month for unlimited data. If you use a regular phone to do this with then unlimited VCAST will be $15/month. I've had PDA/Smart phones for ever I couldn't go back to a regular phone.







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We do random audits, but we dont monitor things that close. If you dont call in and ask about it, there is a 99% chance nothing will happen... to be honest if you called in there would be a 99% chance no one would say anything. Have fun with it, just be careful to watch your usage. Oh, and remove all of the changes if you ever have to take your phone into a store for anything.
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