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Thinks I`ve learned in past 3 days


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Don`t take your glasses off in a Oxycotin buzz :< I have no clue were they are now.


Don`t fall asleep with anything out of your reach you might want in the morning

(Pill Whatever)


Don`t trying to cook after taking your oxycotin ( I hope the wife don`t beat me for the burnt smell)



18inch lcds are hard to read without your glasses.


Being trapped at the house with nothing to eat and your helper not arriving for another hour or 2 sucks donkey dick.



- For those who don`t know I am still recoverying from my disctomy hence th heavy pain killers.



---- If you could care less about my post then suck it :) I`m laid up and got nothing really better to do then get on cr atm

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I dunno honestly , I know there is a pretty large cut in the front of my kneck were then went in and dock out the disk. they said i could be driving agaain 4-6 weeks , Im on alot of pain killers right now and would not even dream of driving.


but other then that im doing good and lookforward to being out with cr pepz again.


the disks were in my kneck btw



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I dunno honestly , I know there is a pretty large cut in the front of my kneck were then went in and dock out the disk. they said i could be driving agaain 4-6 weeks , Im on alot of pain killers right now and would not even dream of driving.


but other then that im doing good and lookforward to being out with cr pepz again.


the disks were in my kneck btw




Wow, that sucks. Good luck on your recovery. I know if I had a bike, again, and couldn't ride it for that long, I would go crazy!!

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