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Mixed questions thread..


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.. TIA for any help


1. Can xbox360 play vcds and burned dvds?


2. Is there a local store that sells blacklight paint (like this http://web1.clearneon.com/index.php ). And has anyone used it? how'd it look? was it very noticable during the day?


3. Is there anyone on here that is good at painting and would like to use the above referenced paints to make a mural (hopefully for a small amount of money, or some beer)?


4. Sometimes I see a sticker on the back of dump trucks on the highway that say "Stay back 200 feet. Not responsible for broken windshield". Is that possible!? Are they really not held accountable if something falls off the back of their truck and breaks your stuff?


5. Is it possible to permanently change the drive letter of an ipod? On the apple site it only shows how to temporarily do it...

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4. No way. If something falls out of your vehicle and mercks someone elses and they take you to court, you're definitely paying to have that repaired.



I think that Gravel trucks should be required by law to only drive during certain hours that have the least amount of traffic, that shit DESTROYS cars.

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This might be my favorite thread yet. It reminds me of my cat who had A.D.D.. Poor things leg fell off and it died. :( . Sorry but i don't have any answers to anything.

1. I don't know anything about XBOX

2. I own a blacklight........but not any paint

3. I don't know anyone who paints anything up here. +1 for the Beer idea though. If i find a paintbrush and theres a case of brew involved i'm sure I can wing something for ya.

4. Dumptrucks are evil. However every now and then you can see some with the smiley face on the back, keepin it real ;)

5. iPods are pretty cool, Apple is pretty cool, I don't know much about either however.

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6. No, Kraft cheese is not real cheese, it's a cheese flavored product. REAL cheese, the kind with lots of flavor and variations between names and styles in upasteurized, which you pretty much can't buy in your local grocery store. If you want cheese that will blow your socks off, head down to katzingers deli on S. 3rd riiiiiiiiiiight on the south side of 70. If a tall guy with a buzzed haircut named John (no, not me) is there, he can surely help you find something to fit your needs. If a guy named neil helps you, run away... he's a vegan, so he doesnt know what the fuck he's talking about when it comes to cheese.
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