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Road Rage


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How do YOU deal with road rage?

I had a pretty stressful night at work and on the way home I got cut off hardcore by some a-hole in a mini-van and felt like pulling a knife out and gutting the bastard. I followed him for a good 10mins with my brights on just to be a dick. I know its stupid to want to jack someone up for getting cut off but.........after a hard day at work, and putting up with alot of bull all I want is a peaceful drive home. I want to know how you guys deal with assholes in traffic (without going to jail).

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along with keeping shit to throw:


AA batteries can cause some nice damage at 75 mph when thrown backwards at the cars


or pretty much any random small heavy objects.... screw drivers, nails, stones from your floor board


so.. whats the Idaho strip club got to do with this????:leghump:

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Best thing to do if you are next to them (on the left) at a stop somewhere and they have their window and/or sunroof open... Get one of those big cups from a gas station 44oz. Fill it up with sticky liquid and ice. Chuck it out of driver's side window and over your car and have it land either in their windows or on their car somwhere. Make sure you bolt as soon as it leaves your hand. They get really pissed. I've done it before =(
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Best thing to do if you are next to them (on the left) at a stop somewhere and they have their window and/or sunroof open... Get one of those big cups from a gas station 44oz. Fill it up with sticky liquid and ice. Chuck it out of driver's side window and over your car and have it land either in their windows or on their car somwhere. Make sure you bolt as soon as it leaves your hand. They get really pissed. I've done it before =(

You're a fucking idiot. Do you realize what could happen if someone were blinded like that at any kind of speed?? Its one thing to flip someone off or lay on your horn, but when you start A) fucking with their car and B) putting others lives at any kind of risk, thats not OK. Go fuck yourself.

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I had a friend when I lived in California that loved throwing shit out the car. One night, we're cruising down the street and there's no traffic. Some guy is riding his 10-speed on our right and Jeff throws a brand new 44oz big gulp on this guy who almost eats shit. I decided, being his friend, I would teach him a lesson and get a good laugh. I immediately stopped at the light and would not turn. He started freaking out and telling me to go and I just told him, Can't. Not allowed to turn right from this lane. He drops down in the seat like he's going to hide under it or something. Of course, I knew the guy was probably not going to approach the car with both of us in it especially after we had the gall to stop right after we did it and wait for him. The guy cut across the street to get away and I informed Jeff. Told him he deserved to piss his pants and that the deal always was, if you want be an asshole and have me protect you, it's gotta be at a bar or club and you gotta be paying. lol

As for Road Rage, some have said to try to laugh it off. I agree with that. Also, I always expect the people driving around me to do the worse thing. That way, I'm never suprised. In anger management, I really learned to control my anger (that or spend alot more time in prison). (BTW, I've never struck any ex-gf's or ex-wife. These were A&B's) Quite often now, I don't get pissed off, but I still vent like I'm mad. I find it helps, but I'm still in control. I will sometimes do things to piss off that person who cut me off or whatever, but not something that's going to cause them to swerve off and hit anyone or wreck. Also, you'll find quite often, that it's probably your fault you're flying off the wall. I have learned many ways, but here are a couple other things I do. I try to never expect another person to go faster than the speed limit. If I'm behind you and you're going slower than I like, I look at the speed. Are they at least going the speed limit? If so, I force myself to relax. It's not this person's fault. Besides, if I'm in such a rush, maybe I shoulda left a little early; planned for this or another contingency. Otherwords, I have only myself to blame.

Always remember this:

"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

(yes, I know this isn't verbatim, but I'm not a 'religious' person so to speak. It's altered for all users.)

You'll find that generally your anger and stress stems from things you cannot control. Once you learn and accept that, you'll keep a level head alot more often.

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You're a fucking idiot. Do you realize what could happen if someone were blinded like that at any kind of speed?? Its one thing to flip someone off or lay on your horn, but when you start A) fucking with their car and B) putting others lives at any kind of risk, thats not OK. Go fuck yourself.



I think you should re read the post. I'm not condoning what he said but he never mentioned doing it while driving only at a stop/light.



But yeah it suck same thing happened to me last night.

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Happened yet again today.

pull on to Tuttle got over in the far left lan and some jack ass in a SUV started to come over on me. This time I was like fuck it he's going to have to hit my car today. ( In the past 3 days I have been cut off 5 time including today).


So I don't get in a accident he goes back in his lane and give me the I'm a hard ass stare. I looked back and laugh at him. He decieded to pull up ynext to me and is yells "Whats your problem why you driver like a jackass."


Oh the irony... I'm like "You ever heard of a fucking turn singal you fucking moron." He really didn't have a answer for that other the I shouldn't drive like a jack ass. So I told him to STFU and move along because I was tired of his bitching.


Now here is where it gets good He says "I'm not going anywhere I'm not done with you." Too which I reply "You aren't going to do shit so STFU move on up." he mumbled something rolled his window up and pulled up in line with the rest of the traffic. Oh it was great. Once the light truned green he waited for me to get next to him and just kept staring over at me. I just looked over and laughed which was obviously making him making even madded.


Turned off on my street for work and he went on his merry way pissed off.

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Really depends on what kind of mood Im in. I dont really resort to throwing things because youd be surprised how fast that scenario can turn sour and their car gets damaged and youre held liable, or worst- they get hurt and then youre really in trouble (not to mention you never know whos packing heat these days). I usually just like putting the s/c to work and see them disappear in my mirrors.
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I like to let them keep coming over until they realise they are about 2 inches from my car. Its so funny watching the dumb asses nearly wreck to try not to hit me. I never get outta peoples way. I feel if they hit me then fuck them my cars paid for:-)



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What I'd like to know, if there's a "Do not block driveway" sign somewhere, and you're blocking it, is that a ticketable offense? Once again, trying to turn into my apartment complex, I have to sit there blocking up traffic because some old fart in a pickup can't read. I'd love to just sit there in a lawn chair some day I'm off work, and write down the license plates of everyone who blocks it, and send that list to the CPD saying "Check out all the lamers you can ticket."


That, and Hard Rd eastbound having a "NO LEFT TURN" sign at the Sawmill CVS, and people blocking things up there doing exactly that. Really, I'm not vindictive, or violent! Not in the least! But there are some days where I'd love to just pull out a HERF gun and throw a couple megawatts of radiation through someone's car computer. Totally untraceable, not like shooting their tires with a crossbow or peppering their sides with a paintball gun.

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Ok, today made the third day in a row that someone was fucking blocking the driveway, and this bitch had the audacity to flip me off while I sat there with my turn signal on. Someone PLEASE tell me this is a ticketable offense before I pull someone out of their car and introduce their face to the sign.
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