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IPS Meeting Spot


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but what if I don't have opposable thumbs?



I had another job working at pier1 making something like 12.40/hr...but when i got in my wreck 3 years ago it messed my back up and lifting 200lb entertainment centers wasnt working out too well...

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As cool as it is for you guys to offer your personal property, time, and sanctity for the good of all enthusiasts, I think you should shut the spot down. I haven’t had a chance to make it out yet (:() but from what I have read and heard, you guys don’t want any part of rednecks and drunks toting weapons and bad attitudes. It’s just too dangerous to piss off some group of “bangers” who decide to open up a few rounds into the crowd for retribution.


I think it’s beyond sorry and pathetic that people cannot respect you and other enthusiasts. But having a cool spot to hang out is not worth anyone’s personal safety. You are not the police.

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As cool as it is for you guys to offer your personal property, time, and sanctity for the good of all enthusiasts, I think you should shut the spot down. I haven’t had a chance to make it out yet (:() but from what I have read and heard, you guys don’t want any part of rednecks and drunks toting weapons and bad attitudes. It’s just too dangerous to piss off some group of “bangers” who decide to open up a few rounds into the crowd for retribution.


I think it’s beyond sorry and pathetic that people cannot respect you and other enthusiasts. But having a cool spot to hang out is not worth anyone’s personal safety. You are not the police.


Get Chris down there and he will make them "respect his authoritii" problem solved :)

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When it is said "come to race", it means don't come if you're not willing or able to race. If you intend to pit your vehicle against others, then head to IPS at about 11. If not, stay, or get a ride with some one who is able and is going.



Agreed, I was out looking for some runs saturday night, and couldn't really find shit! I did have one lined up, but when everyone scrambled bc of the cops, I lost track of him. Oh well, maybe next weekend.

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From what I have read, we need to have a invite only spot and or a purchased parking permit (that would have stated rules on it with ips' ability to revoke any permit for any of the rules not followed). I would love to come out to a peiceful, clean and safe place to hang out/ chat cars/ and race, even if I had to pay for a permit or ticket. My question is do we have a enough people to rent a space, can we get a accurate amount of people of rule abiding patrons we would have?
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From what I have read, we need to have a invite only spot and or a purchased parking permit (that would have stated rules on it with ips' ability to revoke any permit for any of the rules not followed). I would love to come out to a peiceful, clean and safe place to hang out/ chat cars/ and race, even if I had to pay for a permit or ticket. My question is do we have a enough people to rent a space, can we get a accurate amount of people of rule abiding patrons we would have?

this is the direction things are going. Just give me a few days to think everythign over and come up with the best possible game plan.


I thank all of you who are offereing specific ideas. This allows us to brainstorm all of it.


IPS v2.0 comming this weekend.

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As cool as it is for you guys to offer your personal property, time, and sanctity for the good of all enthusiasts, I think you should shut the spot down. I haven’t had a chance to make it out yet (:() but from what I have read and heard, you guys don’t want any part of rednecks and drunks toting weapons and bad attitudes. It’s just too dangerous to piss off some group of “bangers” who decide to open up a few rounds into the crowd for retribution.


Chris the spot is prim in space and location. The only thing needed is working out how to remove the element that takes the fun out of the purpose for everyone meeting. The fact that the guys at IPS are even giving this any consideration after the pain in the ass this has been, to me , means it's worth while with some changes.

Letting someone know they aren't allowed is a very touchy thing and has to be said in a way so as not to induce trouble or retaleation. No one wants their feelings hurt, so the person working the gate will have their hands full dealing with attitudes and perceptions. IPS has a difficult possition here, with current customers and potental customers. For them to find a balance in this, needs a lot of thought. Still stewing from the weekend; lets see what they come up with and from there we can help them or if people don't like it , go some place else.

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Joe, I believe in not only critiquing but offering a solution as well. I sent a few suggestions to the IPS guys privately that I feel may alleviate the pressure of the situation.


I hope they can find a solution to the issues that works for them and all of the "good" enthusiasts who just want a place to hang.

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Letting someone know they aren't allowed is a very touchy thing and has to be said in a way so as not to induce trouble or retaleation. No one wants their feelings hurt, so the person working the gate will have their hands full dealing with attitudes and perceptions.

This is best adressed by abandoning the Studio 54 bouncer technique of "are you sool enough", and employing the back stage roady technique of "Sorry, you're just not on the list...but how big are your tits?".


Say it's by invite only. Or be specific; "look man, we've had alot of problems with people trashing our lot and doing stupid shit here. You're only getting in if you're invited or some one vouches for you. It's not my descision."


Because of that last option, keep yourselves up agains the building and away fromt he road. I can imagine people creeping down the street yelling up at the group; "HEY SAM! HEY, ITS ME, LEEROY, WE MET THAT ONE TIME BACK AT THAT PLACE, TELL'M TO LET EM IN!"

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We need to see you out soon Chris.


I know. I had hoped that this year would be one of my slowest, and instead it's been my busiest ever. Not having any time to finish working on my "new" car served to exacerbate since I don't have anything worth bringing out.


It's nice to be thought of, though. :) I'll make it out once before it gets too cold.

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I too would be willing to pay for a parking space, only down fall is that I dont attend very often.


Another suggestion to the pay for space thing would be to assign spaces that way when you have a dissaster area the next day you can look at your chart and say ok MoJoe tore the place up (ex only) and give him a warning or charge him a cleaning fee

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I know I'm only a noob on here, but I've been to the meets a few times now and really enjoyed it. I did see my share of idiots there though that would act like jackasses even when they were just asked to turn their music down and drunks driving shitty beat up conversion vans talking shit to me and my friends when we were racing Saturday night and we were just minding our own. So yeah, I would have no problem paying for a permit to be able to shoot shit about cars and race some.
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Like what I said in the other thread in meetings/events....

How about a "parking pass type thing" i.e. a simple peice of paper that can be posted here and placed up on the dash of your car when youre pulling in. This would help control the randoms that come in. It will also make it so someone doesnt have to play bouncer all night " Are you on the list? Whats your name?" I think this would work. It could even be changed each week so people dont try to pass it on to friends so they can copy it. What do you guys think?

By doing this you could then put up a sign that says something like " No parkng after business hours without proper permit or permission of owner. Vehicle will be towed at owner's expense." By doing this you wouldnt even have to tell the person to leave, you could if you wanted to be nice. All you would have to say is your vehicle will be towed if you do not get off my property. Once that Tow Truck pulled up they would be taken by force or they would try to take off. This would make it so the "fuck tards" know you're not messing around anymore. It also stops you from having to confront them. This way you dont have to hear, "I have three missiles and a grenade in my pocket. My wife beater is made out of kevlar too so dont fuck with me. Fuck yea I like my music loud. What you gonna do."

Just an idea. Just trying to throw some things out there. I wouldnt have a problem helping out with the enforcement either. I call dibs on being a ninja in a Bush though!! :D

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Ok..sweet idea, but how are you going to make these people without passes leave if no one is to stop them from parking in the first place?


If there guys are already acting like jackasses at previous meets, I do not believe that them being told to leave will be received with compliance. They will probably say something along the lines of "who the fuck are you to tell me to leave?". Sure, the IPS guys can say they own the place, but I just don't see that having an effect on all of these dumbasses. Also, if some are being violent or have the tools to bring violence it could turn out badly. So, that leaves getting police involvement, which will not last for more than 1 meet I guarantee.


I am just saying. Some probably won't take too kindly to being told they have to leave if they are let in in the first place because they do not have a pass of some kind.

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