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Home Invasion


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Someone literally just broke into my apartment.... like 10 min ago. Do people really not have anything better to do, then to kick my fuckin door in? Nothing apears to be missing or broken.... which means that someone is pissed at two of my roomates... so not only are they going to fix the damage, but they are getting thier asses kicked.




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No, we were all in bed. I have a suspesion, but no solid suspect. If i had to guess, it was the brother of some chick that was at the party they had here earlier tonight. One of my roomates apearntly pushed her in the face or something, and i heard her ranting on about how she was going to tell her brother.
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ever listen to dane cook??


he did a thing on B&Es.. he said he wanted to do one.. but then after he kicked th edoor in, he realized he never wanted to do a B&E he just wanted to boot a door in..


off that topic..... but yeah that sucks.. hope you find out what happened. glad they didnt steal shit

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ever listen to dane cook??


he did a thing on B&Es.. he said he wanted to do one.. but then after he kicked th edoor in, he realized he never wanted to do a B&E he just wanted to boot a door in..


off that topic..... but yeah that sucks.. hope you find out what happened. glad they didnt steal shit


"whats even worse is when they got home and said... 'they just kicked in the door and didnt take anything'. Then they will go crazy trying to figure out what they took...'the batteries they took the batteries to the remote oh god i can't figure it out, I WANT A DIVORCE!' "


Dane cook is halarious.


Back to topic, yes thats fucked up. but, if you were all home then the guy kicked in the door then left?

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Guest powers
They managed to kick through 2 dead bolts!?

No they kicked through the 3/4" thick dry spruce pine that was holding those deadbolts back. I love seeing doors with multiple locks and a shitty door frame. It is like putting a sweet alarm on your car that has no doors and the keys are inside.


I realize this is more than likely an apartment( or at least it looks that way) so I understand that you are dealing with that they put there for you.

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Get a 12 gauge pump shotgun. If you're serious, get a ported barrel to reduce kick-back. I'm not kidding, it has a sound that is unmistakable. When you here that action slammed shut even you'll want to piss your pants. Use birdshot too. It's deadly in the 20-30' range but won't kill your nieghbor next door or your wife in the next room through a wall like other ammo could. Just point and shoot.


True story....back in '94 my wife and I lived in Governours Square and our ground floor was broken into while we were sleeping....I grabbed the shotgun pumped it once and I litterally heard the crook(s) say "shit" and they bolted out the sliding doors. That's about as close to killing someone with a gun that I've gotten. I was 3 steps from rounding the corner and blasting off a few rounds.


Weapon on them or not, they'd be dead and I know damn well the cops would have found them with a gun of some sort on them. I have several unregistered and unknown firearms. One would have found itself into their hands for sure.





By the way what are the opinions on a good shotgun to buy for home defense?

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No, we were all in bed. I have a suspesion, but no solid suspect. If i had to guess, it was the brother of some chick that was at the party they had here earlier tonight. One of my roomates apearntly pushed her in the face or something, and i heard her ranting on about how she was going to tell her brother.

you mean to tell me the three of you were there all 3 of you must have been hiding under the beds.but soon as the left you jump on the computer.you an your buddys will hit a girl but run an hide under a bed like fags.

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No, we were all in bed. I have a suspesion, but no solid suspect. If i had to guess, it was the brother of some chick that was at the party they had here earlier tonight. One of my roomates apearntly pushed her in the face or something, and i heard her ranting on about how she was going to tell her brother.

hummmm was all three of you in bed togeather ? an just to busy to stop an kick but.

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A 12 gauge will do damage at more than 20-30 feet. when im out hunting, usually anything within 40 yards is what i deem "shot worthy"...anything outside of that range is too far for it to be a) accurate and b) penetrating. i have actually been thinking about getting a small handgun for home protection. i dont live in the worst area, but at the same time, its not the best...a lot of the appts are filled by section 8 i-pay-4$-a-month-for-rent-but-can-put-22's-on-my-shit-impala people. ive seen enough crap going on out the window that im not going to wait until something happens to get active
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I've said it myself if they break in I'll put a 44 caliber hole in them, but in your house or not, you shoot 'em and you have a good chance of residing with the dept of corrections while they live in your apartment for $4 a month. Shoot 'em in the leg and make a blood trail, don't shoot to kill or you could end up as bubba's bitch!
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