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I've heard that off and on in various places I've lived but I'm not for sure. Either way, they are a beneficial species and completely harmless not to mention incredibly interesting. Many will actually tame down and take food from your hand and seem to have more of an 'awareness' than many other insects. Same thing with some jumping spiders, though most are very wary. I have a large, black female jumping spider that lives in my kitchen window. Whenever flys come in the house, I knock em out and actually hand feed her, as well. She's always gentle about taking them from my fingers. :)
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On another note, someone help me find a salamander! They're very uncommon everywhere I've lived, but now I'm up north, I know they're more common than probably lizards.

Wayne national forest. I've been hiking down there twice, and twice I've caught fence lizards....and one salamnder....and a water snake.


And agreed, Mantids FTW.

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