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Hocking Hills Trip


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Oh, and unless you know your way around do not waste your time on the SR674 deal..no offense Anthony..I grew up on that road(674@sr22) and you have to take lots of detours around farmers fields to get where you want to go. Also, thay have been doing road construction just east of Laurelville and I don't believe you can get through from there unless you really know the roads. I have a friend at work who lives at Old Mans Cave, I'll ask him tonight if it's open now. The best bet is 33 south, take the bypass around Lancaster, turn right at the second Logan exit.
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Yeah the Cedar falls area is an easy one to get to and its only a short stair climb down into and back out of that particular area. I don't know if I'd want to try to watch a couple of young kids around alot of the old mans cave area myself, but if your kids ain't dumb then maybe you'll have better luck then I could image some of my relatives having.



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Were taking our 1 year old out there next weekend, seeing everything. You'll never walk more then 1/2 mile, don't be such pussies. :p


Unless you go see the Rock Bridge, which I recomend, thats a 2 mile round trip.

[no 56k] http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/5915/pano4cf.jpg [/no 56k]

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Yeah im pretty excited about going down there. And more then likely the kids will outlast me and the girlfriend. The two year old will probally have to keep ahold of his hand cause he gets exited out in the woods and stops paying attention and will try and start running around. But the 5 year old is a big help as well.


I look forward to getting some nice pics and soon as i get my home computer up and working ill post up a few.


I wont take the corners to fast but i might take the Bonneville instead of the cadillac for the trip.

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