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Anyone know Montreal?


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I have to go to Montreal next month on business and was wondering if there is anything I "must" do. I am travelling on the company dime so I wouldn't say expense is something I care about. I am looking for a good place for wine/food and perhaps something fun. I am planning on a hockey game but other than that I have no clue.
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Go downtown, ride the monorail, St Cathrines street is known for bars and clubs. The malls and restarnts are close from there too. I haven't been there in years. But, I remember the smoking being out of control there. I mean, every other person was a smoker. Gramby's Zoo is pretty good too. I grew up 45 minutes south of there, in Vermont.
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I am staying in Bonaventure, which is right downtown next to the Bell Centre. I am looking for a good steak house or someplace with a massive scotch selection (cubans go good with scotch).


BTW, I am married and not looking for Poutine even though they aren't related.


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. I am planning on a hockey game but other than that I have no clue.



I have started planning for a hockey game to go to in Montreal. It won't be easy or cheap. I think the tix I started looking at started around $200 and thats for a o.k. seat. Canadians a crazy about there hockey, espacially if its "Hockey Night in Canada". I love hockey so I would spend a couple hundred on a Habs game!! It would be pretty crazy at the game. Do you know how to speak french?

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Blah I hate the Habs....


Go Leafs


The Leafs.........they always blow it when the playoff near.


Akula- Did you get your tix from a random outside the stadium. Or do you know someone? I would love to pay $50 for habs tix. (road trip)

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I got them from a scalper outside the Bell Centre. Guy asked if I needed tix, I said yes, he asked me where I wanted the seats.... $50 each club level and that is free food. I was stuffed with Nachos and hot dogs and ice cream etc...
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I got them from a scalper outside the Bell Centre. Guy asked if I needed tix, I said yes, he asked me where I wanted the seats.... $50 each club level and that is free food. I was stuffed with Nachos and hot dogs and ice cream etc...


Sounds like you had a good time!

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So I got here yesterday....flight wasn't bad, the directions I got to the hotel are aweful and I got WAAAYYY lost. The concierge at the hotel barely speaks english so he wasn't much help (doesn't speak french either, not that I can).


Anyway, went to a dive Indian place last night pretty good grub. Hit the central staton underground for lunch, really cool. I dig the whole, you can walk underground to just about anywhere.


Tonight I plan on finding a pub and hoisting a few pints etc...


No Poutine just yet, but I did see a PFK (KFC in French).

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