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Damn, this is fucking scary


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  10xworse said:

50 bucks says the FBI is keeping track of every person that accesses that site.


I've got $25 saying the FBI didn't know about it until today, and that it'll be up for at least 24hrs before they try to take it down for copyright infringement against NWA or something stupid.

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OK, first off, I was a locksmith for a number of years so I know a bit about this.



That's Schlage's Primus System, this bumping shit will NOT work on it. It is guaranteed unpick-able when properly keyed.

The standard Kwikset and Schlage locks that we have on our homes are to keep mostly honest people out to begin with. I also saw a video on there showing a standard hardware store master padlock being bumped. I can pick a master lock faster than you can bump one. There are also other weaknesses with those locks that I am not going to talk about here, but do exist with those locks, and the master combination locks.


Bottom line, if you are going to lock you $4000 quad runner up with a $5 lock, you are a fucking idiot and deserve to have it stolen.


As far as bumping, this is the same principal that a pick gun works on. And some locks, depending on how they are keyed, it will open them. It's all in how pins line up in the lock and what cuts are used on the key. Also, cheaper locks use a smooth sided top pin that allows it to slide under a bit of tension. The anti pick pins that are used in better lock-sets, including the better Master branded padlocks have grooves in the sides of them that will hang up if there is any tension on them. This stops the attempts to bump the lock open, and only the most skilled of lock pickers can pick a lock with these pins in it.


Thing is, you get what you pay for, and a good locksmith can key most any lock to be all but pick-proof. Knowing this, and applying it is how you keep people out of where you don't want them to be. So when you go down to the local Home Depot to buy your locks because they are cheaper, remember your $1000 stereo, $4000 plasma TV and all the rest of your valuables in your house are being protected by the lock-set that was cheaper down at the Home Depot.

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Now, specifically pertaining to the TSA and the boarding pass thing. This is just a loophole that someone came up with to scare the shit out of people. Terrorists already hve their ways around this shit. Like the one post said the liquid explosive guys, and the asshole with the bomb in his shoe were both not on the list. More over, taking something on a plane to blow it up isn't needed. Terrorists are well funded and have access to things that are completely capable of taking a plane down. Hell, how hard is as an American citizen to buy a 50 caliber BMG? As long as you have the money you can buy the gun, and a 50 cal is an anti-aircraft gun. It will bring a jet down without too much problem and can be used near any approach or takeoff lane at any airport. But terrorists also have access to rocket launchers and all other sorts of military only shit that could do the same thing and not kill them in the process. I see the next terror attack with aircraft involved happening in this manner, probably during takeoff and happpening in multiple cities at the same time.


It is difficult to stop someone from downing a plane if they want to. Hell you could do it with a pistol at the end of a runway as a plane was taking off with a single shot if you really were motivated to do it.


Consider our options, we can hve the TSA checking bags. Or we could have armed military types shooting people that looked funny. The TSA is not even allowed to stereotype people. This is fucking stupid in my opinion. Middleeastern typically equals muslim, muslim can equal extreemist muslim, estreemist muslim typically equals a terrorist and that is bad. It's easy to deal with, if you are middleeastern, and look like a terrorist, either don't fucking fly, or be prepaired to be scrutnized. Is it their fault, no not really, but if if this was a white guy thing, would you care about being checked over more than blacks or whatever just to know that you were safer?

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plastic sheets and duct tape are called a security blanket to make people have the illusion of safety...... Kinda like how fight club put it.



Desperado I am not saying that every lock is pickable but a good portion of the locks you see around are.


BTW desperado what would prevent someone from making a double bump key with tiered setup? I am not saying it would work just curious as a Ethusiast of lock picking.


as for master locks you can damn near Rack pick most of the ones i learned on. Being faster then a 5 second bump key ....? I dunno I've bumpkeyed a few lock in demonstration first try.

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Ok, as far as the plastic sheets, there is more to explain thatn is worth bothering with, but if an airborn biological agent were released, having somewhere, that you could go that it couldn't isn't a bad thing. People forget thet part of the plastic and tape is also to buy a HEPA filter that will pass the air through. The better idea is to get away from the source of the toxin, but if you have to secure in place, it can save your life. Look at other nontoxic airborne irrititants like pollen. Pollen moves with the air and is brought to ground with rain. Anthrax would be the same way. If you have to protect in place, a HEPA filter protecting an otherwise sealed envrioment would allow you to survive long enough (a few days to a week) until the thread was brought to ground by rainfall or winds carrying it away. They have been studying this shit sincethe 50's when the concern was nuclear fallout. Now 3 mil plastic sheets are not going to alone protect you from radioactive fallout. But them conbined with 3 feet of dirt, stacks of books, metal, thick concrete will. And fallout will go to ground after a couple weeks, and radiation exposure to the point radiation sickness sets requires a reasonable amount of exposure, but levels are cumulitive. I am not going into all this here, there are plenty of documents all over theweb on nuclear survival both form fallout and from the initial blast.


The locksmithing thing, without going into detail, the Primus system side pins are not on a standard shear line like the top pins are. It's the same reason you can't pick a GM ignition lock with a standard set of picks. And with both sets in the same lock, too much has to happen all at once for picking to work.


As far as the master locks, yeah, two or three rakes and its open, but that's not the only way to get in those locks.

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  The Benz Guy said:
TSA "watch list" is all fake and random names. True story. Printing an actual watch list with actual names of people being investegated would compramise the FBI, NSA and the CIAs work. They dont like letting out the names of people they're watching.


The watch list is real. Yes, I have worked with it. It is a pain in the ass.


It is updated every week, and A LOT of companies have to compare their new customers against this list, and report any and all matches.

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I'm in and out of businesses and government facilities all day long and I can tell you that some of the dumbest places have the most security and all the places that would scare americans the most (ie schools, your adverage office buildings) have the least security. I'm always amused at the crap they make me go through at DFAS or Rickenbacker at the National Guard gates. I can totally understand some light screening to make sure the wrong people don't get in, but they act like some terroist would actually bother doing a car bomb of shoot out in those places. I'd hate to see what could happen if a van full of terroists really attacked a place crowed with civilians shopping or at school or whatever. That would scare us and probably shut us down for a few days or longer again.


but of course you can't really protect those places and it would be insane to try to do so. You'd have to take the rights of every citizen in every public place in america and that just wouldn't work.



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