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Close calls....


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After wnaplay's post about the concrete mishap, I figured a brush with death thread would be fitting. Simple enough, post about the time or times that you looked death in the face and shook his hand.



I have a couple but the one that sticks in my mind was in Whitehall taking down a tower. We had unbolted the tower at the 40 foot level and then I went up in the bucket on the crane to strap the top to the hook. Once I got the strap on the operator swung me back and then over the tower. The tower was 70 foot with a 10 foot antenna. He started to pull and nothing was happening because the tower was rusted together. He then began to crank down on the winch and rocking the boom back and forth to get tthe sections to separate, and then they did. Of course because the boom had flexed under the original load that was no longer there it flipped back, then the tower passed the bucket because it was flipped up PAST ME. Then the bucket swung out horizontal and I was looking straight at the ground. with seeing the tower pass me and the weightless feeling I figured I had fell out of the bucket and was on my way down, nearly 100 feet to my death. I actually sat down in the bucket at that point and no one could see me. The bucket continued to swing back and forth and I finally felt my heart start beating again. I peared out over the top of the bucket and made some strong comments and ask to be put the hell down. I am to this day afraid of heights.


Forgot to mention, I did NOT have a safety harness of any kind on either.

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Like I said in my original post, I cut through 480 on several occasions, 110 all the time, and damn near a 13,800volt line once at kyger creek power plant. I was on sight when a iron worker was killed at kyger creek. We had a guy cut both legs off at work once.
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well, i was on the bus in 8th grade. makin fun of my fat neighbor amy. she weighed in at about 300lbs, in 9th grade.

so im crackin jokes, everyones laughin. they start crackin jokes, and BAM, she sits on me.

i was coughin and struggling for air, screamin for help. and then the bus hits a big hump in the road and she flies off me.


i saw my short life pass before my eyes. but i made it out alive.

fat people still scare me. i always shiver when i see a fat bitch at giant eagle.

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I died once, granted I was a baby. I stopped breathing and for some reason my mom woke up and came to check on me, noticed I wasn't breathing. Long story short I died for a short time and was on a breathing monitor for the next 1.5 years of my life.
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After I got my cam installed I was driving my car home and my car stalled. I thought I could gun it and get through the intersection. Bad idea!!! The car stalled out, I lost my power steering and I was sitting in the middle of the intersection. I look over and see a semi coming straight for my drivers side door at about 60mph. I froze, then somehow my instincts took over. I threw the car in neutral, turned the car back on, put it back in drive and went flying across the road into the dirt on the other side. The truck literally missed me by a few feet. I can still hear the trucks horn and tires sqealing. I had such a huge panic attack after that that I thought I was having a heart attack. To this day I think twice before going through an intersection with cars coming... even if they are pretty far away.
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^ I had the same sort of thing happen. I was driving my uncles tacoma and stopped at an intersection and pulled out and it suddenly stalled for no appearant reason and stopped me dead across the first lane and a car came around the corner and I don't know whether he wasn't paying attention or what but didn't put on his brake until the lastm inute and swerved around me barely missing my front end.
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Long story short.. driving home late one night on 33, my car was lodged underneath a semi 2Fast2Furious style and the front half of my car was under the trailer. The car was dragged for around a 1/4 mile and shot out into the median. Lucky for me, it didn't run over my car (there were skid marks from the back tires rubbing my passenger door) and I was wearing my seatbelt or I'm sure the windshield would've fucked me up real bad (it was hanging down about 3 inches from my neck). The car was still running after all this and done. However, it was totaled out because the a-pillars/roof were FUBAR.
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