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Google likes CR members....


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I pulled this from the Who's Online list just now:


Google Spider http://www.columbusracing.com/images/statusicon/wol_nopermission.gifhttp://www.columbusracing.com/images/misc/question_icon.gif Creating Private Message




Ummm, yeah. Jason, lemme know what it says :D

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it means a google spider was creating a pm to you and Anthony said he wanted to know what it said.


BINGO! I'm wondering how the fuck it creates one and what it will say. They're automaton webcrawlers that go acros the internet pulling info. That's how search engines get their search info when you wanna see something.

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It's not actually making a message, it's following every link it finds. It found the PM link for Jason and was following it. Then it will follow every link on the PM page and so-on.


It's making a map of the entire internet.

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wanna see some history.....try looking up old or other sites here....


what you post may actually be around for quite some time.




Type in this site and you'll find stuff back from early 2002



lots of links are then re-directed for CR but you get my point.

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It's not actually making a message, it's following every link it finds. It found the PM link for Jason and was following it. Then it will follow every link on the PM page and so-on.


It's making a map of the entire internet.



Thank God someone else knew this. I was about to start smacking some people. Yeah Anthony, a bot was sending a PM...



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They can register on websites, post messages, and PM people.


So yeah, it's possible a bot was doing said action. We're lucky CR is a private forum, I was just curious was all.


Not a Google bot. A spam bot can do that if it was written to do so.

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I fucking hate spam bots. There is a way using a text file on the root of the drive to prevent the bot from hitting pages you don't want it to hit. If interested i will look it up.


Its called a site map. Its an xml file named sitemap.xml. You can specify the pages you want crawled, and you can specify the pages to be excluded. Search bots follow this. Its a standard for all search engines. However, spam bots obviously do not follow this.

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